Muslim Council of Sri Lanka: A person of great wisdom
The Most Ven. Udugama Sri Buddharakkitha Thero was indeed a person
with great wisdom and foresight. With his endearing personality and
forthright thinking he was able to touch the lives of so many people of
all religions in our country, a message from the Muslim Council of Sri
Lanka said.
"It is with sincere sentiments of sorrow that the Muslim Council of
Sri Lanka send this messages of condolence on the demise of the Most Ven.
Udugama Sri Buddharakkitha Thera, the chief prelate of the Asgiriya
Chapter of the Siam Nikaya.
The Most Ven. Aggamahapanditha Udugama Sri Buddharakkitha Rathanapala
Mahanayake Thero, who was the chief incumbent of the Asgiriya chapter,
was a much respected leader and took leadership in addressing and
resolving a complex communal issues.
He would be remembered for his forthrightness and moderate views and
for his yeoman service to the Buddha Sasana Since his ordination in
The political, civil and religious leaders of our country have always
looked up to the Most Ven. Udugama Sri Buddharakkitha Thero for advice
and guidance. As a person who had a deep respect for other religions,
the Most Ven.
Thero always received admiration and respect of all people of our
country as well as of other countries irrespective of religious
differences", the message added. |