Where do boat people go?
Australia is much more welcoming of asylum seekers who arrive by
plane, although it still requires an initial period of detention. Once
out of detention, some are allowed to work while others rely on welfare,
including free medical care, but they are not eligible for government
housing and must find accommodation in the private rental market.
A boatload of
refugees smashes on to the rocks of Christmas Island
A Rohingya
Muslim man who fled Myanmar to Bangladesh to escape religious
violence, cries as he pleads from a boat after he and others
were intercepted by Bangladeshi border authorities in Taknaf,
Bangladesh. |
Two recent shipwrecks in the Mediterranean Sea believed to have taken
the lives of as many as 1,300 asylum seekers and migrants highlight the
growing number of people fleeing persecution, war and economic
difficulties in their homelands.
Over the years, thousands of people in Asia have also used boats to
escape. Here's a look at where many go, and how they are treated once
they arrive.
Australia bound
Most of the boats leave Indonesian ports for Christmas Island, an
Australian territory 345 kilometres (215 miles) south of the Indonesian
island of Java, or Ashmore Reef, a collection of Australian islands east
of Christmas Island. They often arrive without passports, which makes
repatriating them more difficult.
Since July 2013, Australia has refused to allow refugees who arrive
by boat to settle on the mainland, and it has been turning back boats
since the current government was elected in September 2013.
It has a detention camp for asylum seekers on Christmas Island and
pays Papua New Guinea and the Pacific island nation of Nauru to run
similar camps, where asylum seekers wait while their applications for
refugee status are processed.
Australia has an agreement to pay Cambodia to take refugees detained
on Nauru, and with Papua New Guinea to resettle those camped out in
there. So far none have gone to Cambodia, while some have been resettled
in Papua New Guinea.
Australia is much more welcoming of asylum seekers who arrive by
plane, although it still requires an initial period of detention.
Once out of detention, some are allowed to work while others rely on
welfare, including free medical care, but they are not eligible for
government housing and must find accommodation in the private rental
Indonesia, with its thousands of islands and long stretches of
unpatrolled coastlines, is a key transit country for asylum seekers and
migrants wanting to get to Australia.
The country hasn't signed the 1951 UN Refugee Convention and doesn't
legally recognize asylum seekers or refugees.
Refugee status
But it does operate 13 detention centers around the country that
temporarily house them while the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
office processes their applications for refugee status and eventual
resettlement in a third country such as the US or Canada.
Thousands more live on their own outside the detention centres.
The asylum seekers largely come from Myanmar, but also from Sri
Lanka, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen and
Most register with the UNHCR for resettlement in a third country
while others travel through Malaysia to Indonesia in a bid to reach
As in Indonesia and Thailand, asylum seekers and refugees have no
legal status in Malaysia, putting them at risk of arrest and detention.
There are no refugee camps in Malaysia, and more than 100,000 of
these "urban refugees" live in overcrowded, low-cost apartments or
houses across the country. Their children do not have access to formal
education. Barred legally from working, many earn money doing dirty or
dangerous jobs that locals shun, while they wait for possible
resettlement through the UNHCR - typically a process that lasts several
Those who often seek asylum in Europe come mainly from Syria, Iraq,
Eritrea and Somalia. Palestinians also have attempted to flee to Europe.
Closest point of landfall, which usually means Italy, Greece or
Malta. Many travel overland to Bulgaria and Hungary, favouring
destinations like Britain, France, Germany, Sweden and other Nordic
Asylum seekers and migrants arriving in Europe without visas are
interviewed and finger-printed by authorities. EU nations have
'reception centres' to house migrants where they are fed and given
health care, while their applications for asylum are being assessed.
Some migrants are given temporary permits allowing them to stay while
their cases are studied. The country where they land is responsible for
handling this, including providing free legal assistance. The process
should not exceed 11 months. Those who do not qualify for residency of
some kind are in some cases invited to leave Europe voluntarily, with
some incentives. Others are expelled, sometimes put on a plane and flown
to their home nation.
Similarly, Muslims of Myanmar often flee to Bangladesh.
Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya, a long-persecuted Muslim minority
group in Myanmar, have fled to Bangladesh in recent years to escape
persecution in the predominantly Buddhist nation. Roughly 400,000
Rohingya are believed to have gone to Bangladesh, where many of their
ancestors came from, but only about 30,000 are officially recognized as
refugees. The luckiest live in designated refugee camps, which include
schools and clinics, but most either live in squalid informal camps or
in poor, crowded neighbourhoods.
In 2012, when waves of Rohingya sought shelter in Bangladesh, border
authorities reportedly forced more than 1,300 back into the sea in their
creaky vessels.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina denied the refugees had been driven
away, but made clear she didn't want them, saying the country, already
densely populated, "cannot bear this burden." The Vietnamese, in
contrast, often treat the United States, Canada and Australia as their
destinations of asylum.
The mass exodus of Vietnamese "boat people" began in 1978, a few
years after the end of the Vietnam War, with hundreds of thousands of
people fleeing to escape persecution by the victorious Communist
government. Another wave followed in the late 1980s. The United Nations
refugee agency says at least 840,000 left by sea.
The majority initially landed in Hong Kong and several Southeast
Asian nations that established refugee camps and threatened to push them
back, but most eventually settled in the United States, Canada and
Miami Herald
[Lankan refugees arrived in waves]
For Sri Lankan Tamils, India had remained destination country for
After Sri Lanka's civil war erupted in 1983, hundreds of thousands
from the ethnic Tamil minority fled the fighting between the majority
Sinhalese Government and Tamil rebels demanding an independent homeland.
The refugees arrived in waves - many aboard crowded, rickety wooden
boats that crossed the narrow bay between Sri Lanka and India - and
landed on the beaches of Tamil Nadu State.
The Indian Government erected more than 100 refugee camps, where
authorities questioned people to make sure they were not linked to the
rebels. Once cleared, they were given living quarters, monthly rations
and the chance to find work in the community.
With ethnic, cultural and linguistic ties to India's Tamils in the
southern state, many refugees assimilated and took Indian citizenship.
Others opted for repatriation offered at various times, including after
Sri Lankan Tamil rebels in 1991 assassinated former Indian Prime
Minister Rajiv Gandhi. The arrivals ceased when the Sri Lankan
Government crushed the rebels and ended the war in 2009.
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