Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 3 May 2015





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Abolish the preferential vote system as well

The 19th Amendment to the Constitution was made into law last week with 215 parliamentarians supporting the critically important amendment. Though considered a major victory for democracy and an attempt to depoliticise public institutions and strengthening citizens’ rights, it appeared there was limited understanding among the general public, of its benefits. The 19th Amendment drew discussion not only in Parliament but in media and general public too

Piyadasa Gamage - Gampaha

“I couldn’t read the 19A but I heard a lot about it through media. I don’t think it’s a good decision that the Government has taken to cut down the executive powers of the President. We shouldn’t forget that we could win the brutal war because of the executive powers. How can we predict that terrorism will not ever rise again? The minority nationalities issues can only be sorted out by having executive presidency and a country such as Sri Lanka who has many minority nationalities must have executive presidency.”

Udaya Shantha - Hewahata

“I think finally the Government could fulfill the most important promise made for the people of the country by diluting the extreme powers of the executive presidency. I think it is a victory of the nation. The extreme powers that were held by the executive presidency were awfully harmful for the country and its sovereignty. We experienced that in the past few decades and I salute President Maithripala Sirisena and his Government for the brave step taken by abolishing the powers of the executive presidency.”

Thilanka Kularathne - Colombo

Chamila Dulmini from Veyangoda said that they appreciate it. “They have reduced Executive Presidential Powers. It will be beneficial if we have a Democratic Voting System. But most things which people wanted were not given. I hope they will provide more benefits in future.

Sathasiwam - Hunupitiya, Wattala

“It is a good step taken by the government. It’’ll be a good thing if they abolish the preferential vote system too,” he says. “And solving the problems of the Tamil people will be another good step towards democracy’’.

Namal Rajasinghe - Badulla

“The 19th Amendment is essential for the country. It is important because people like to live in peace and independently. Independent commissions are a need because it is a progressive step and also beneficial for government servants.”

Navam - Jaffna

“Bringing the 19th Amendment was a good decision taken by the government,” he said. “And it is a good thing for people to live in peace and harmony without any racial, ethnic and religious differences’’.

This is a victory of the people who appreciate democracy in the country. We hope this will help establish the democracy in the country into some extent. Since 1978 our country has been suppressed by the extreme powers of the executive presidency. We as a nation experienced the adverse effects of the executive presidency throughout our lives. It is a pleasure and great reveal to have a Government who value the democracy at last. But we have a long way to go. We raised few main political reforms to establish the democracy in the country, such as, abolish the executive presidency, establish the independent commissions and reform the electoral system. By passing the 19A we could win the first two reforms that we expected to happen. However it is important to bring these amendments into practice.

Also we hope the Government will take necessary precautions to do the necessary reforms in the electoral system before the next general election.

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