cat'S eye
Toodle dooing security and unlikely compatibility
I am sure that like this cat, you have been receiving emails of hot,
hot news. I got one about the Prez knowing he is in danger and that
those deposed from power are trigger-happy, not themselves per se but
those who accompany them. Thus the great trepidation and indignation we
felt when a member of the security division of the ex President
accompanied MP Namal Rajapaksa to a meeting where President Sirisena was
right up there on the platform. The security person had a gun with him.
President Sirisena is said to have announced these facts recently;
namely that his life is in danger and he could very well be eliminated
criminally. Menika shudders. A friend at dinner pronounced that once the
ex Prez becomes PM, someone with good aim will shoot and get rid of the
Maithri Prez and then the Prime Minister will very easily go that one
step higher and re-occupy the throne. Menika shuddered more violently.
Horrors! Unthinkable! But on saner reaction, deciding it was
frighteningly possible.
The June 7 issue of a Sunday paper had a long article on the present
President's toodle dooing security and causing even us the public
headaches and shivers slithering down our spines. Like simplicity
turning to simpleton-ness. The writer of that article very wisely said
it was the duty of the President to be much more concerned about his
personal safety and ensure that he has full protection and security
around him. The writer faulted the President for retaining the old guard
police or Armed Forces personnel, trusting them to do their job loyal
only to the country and their conscience.
Dastardly crime
What conscience for most Sri Lankans nowadays, particularly those in
the thick of things. Cannot the Prez remember how Indira Gandhi trusted
her two Sikh guards and in spite of being warned after the onslaught on
the Holy of Holies of the Sikhs at Amritsar ordered by her, she retained
them? They murdered her as she was returning to her office from lunch at
home. Could humans do such a dastardly crime - to kill a defenseless
woman, frailer than before, when their duty was to protect her? Well the
two guards did it, dehumanised by religious zeal or threatened to do the
deed or suffer consequences. So our President simply cannot trust
anyone. He has to have a new and tested set of security personnel close
to him. Come to think of it, whom can he really trust? Menika makes bold
to suggest he can trust only his atomic family and UNP Ministers of
A picture accompanying the aforementioned article was of the
unassuming, gracious President fitting on shoes or sandals in a shoe
shop, which means he was out with the hoi polloi. His car does not go in
a frenzied posse with sirens screaming and gloved hands waving like
crazy. His car is said to stop at traffic lights, on his orders of
course. We admire his bravery and trust in human beings; both misplaced.
He as President of this country needs to be extremely careful,
suspicious and call for maximum security. The country depends on him and
those who voted for him feel their vote was absolutely justified since
he is becoming more and more the statesman we need - such a difficulty
with all that medley of MPs, mostly blue, plotting and planning against
Think of the utter mayhem if something were to happen to him; think
of the successful jubilation of those who wish to cause anarchy; and
think of how in typical Sri Lankan fashion, people will gnash their
teeth and mourn like crazy for a day or two, even a week and then forget
the fiendish act and start singing hosannas to the new Head, demonic
though he be.
Maithripala Sirisena is far from being an obstinate fool; far far
from being swollen headed and full of hubris; and he will be considerate
to his family and us who admire him and Sri Lanka that benefits from him
being Head of the country. So let those who are in charge of his
security impose restraint on him and protect him much more seriously and
No-Confidences Motions without end
This feline thinks that the Opposition's Motion of No-Confidence on
the Prime Minister is a bovine move congruent to their behaviour.
Ranil Wickremesinghe's tenure as PM is so short with general
elections soon to be. Also there is actually only one misstep in Ranil's
performance - the Central Bank gaffe. The institution of the special
Financial Crimes Investigation Division - the FCID - is approved of by
the public who voted Maithripala Sirisena as Prez with the proviso he
elects Ranil Wickremesinghe as his Prime Minister. So why bellyache now?
The FCID was urgently needed to delve into corruption and go after those
guilty of misusing the resources of the country with stupendous
We witnessed helplessly how billions were spent just for Mahinda
Rajapaksa to win the Presidential elections he called for early in
January so his extended family and cronies would stay on in power. We
saw billboards of the man strung up every few yards along all roads in
Colombo; and heard of the tip of the iceberg of extravagant spending on
dansalas at Temple Trees for all and sundry on all days of the week; sil
clothes gifted to women in most parts of the island plus bags of
consumer goods. We did not know about clocks and carom boards and all
those other goodies then. In the common man's view the PM cannot be
faulted for setting up the FCID; it's only those caught in its jaws and
to be caught that fault it. The No-Confidence Motion is through petty
SLFPers who for their very existence in politics cling to the satakaya
while bending low to the President and assuring him of their loyalty.
A complementary pair of leaders
It was thus refreshing to get a political leader such as Mano
Ganeshan, head of the newly formed Tamil Progressive Alliance (TPA) to
say that "Maithri-Ranil are the best political pair this country has
ever seen" in an interview in a newspaper on Wednesday 10. This cat,
with the wisdom of her nine lives, agrees with Ganeshan whom she quite
admires. Yes they are an efficient pair as the President and the Prime
Minister of this country that emerged from a 28-year civil war to battle
the ever-rising cost-of-living and poverty creeping upwards on the
social strata while the ruling family and hangers-on were living
extravagant lives.
Menika believes Maithripala Sirisena is the quieter and giver-into,
while Ranil Wickremesinghe who cannot bear fools, recognises the
strength of the President and gives him respect and his due place. He
seems to sense and be aware of the steel within the President who
conveys the impression of being soft and mild. They complement each
other in their mental makeup and characteristics and in the way they
wield power. Both work hard and both hardly seem to care what people say
about them, least of all political fools. Their appeal to different
target groups is also complementary and thus benefits the people of the
land. The President appeals to both the locals and foreigners with his
simplicity, apparent integrity and concern for the country. Ranil
appeals to the foreigner and can hold his own with the highest foreign
leader due to his vast experience in politics, education and exposure to
worldwide influences. Where he fails is in his local PR and inability to
smile with the hoi polloi. His boss makes up for it with his charm. They
are good together for the people and the country.
Picture of the week
A newspaper on Tuesday carried on its front page a picture of Nimal
Siripala de Silva, Opposition Leader no less, fast asleep at an SLFP
rally to abolish preferential voting. To compound matters he was seated
right next to the President and is not merely nodding but seems fast
asleep. This cat has seen other pictures of this veteran SLFPer dozing
or with his eyes closed at several public meetings. While Menika
condones with him, her feline predilection to snatch a cat nap whenever
possible making her share his desire to nod off in public, she feels he
should stay awake at important meetings, especially when paparazzi prowl
This cat, Menika, invariably nods off when bana starts while she is
in pious sil; only Sinhala bana does this lulling her to doze. So maybe
the Opposition Leader gets drowsy-eyed when male politicians drone on.
Or maybe he has too much night work. Don't imagine for a moment it is
state business. He was wife-apprehended in his office long ago, on a day
he was supposed to be nursing his Uva electorate, definitely not engaged
in state work but otherwise pleasantly occupied. And we have his
colleague and counterpart, the Blue Man who once said that a family of
four could live on Rs. 7,500 for an entire month, shouting loud on this
and that and mostly against the Prime Minister. Maybe he wanted the
average Sri Lankan to live on salted water while he lived in luxury and
all his children supposedly educated abroad, all on savings from tuition
and the salary of a MP and sometime Cabinet Minister.
Ah well! To each his own!