Reducing energy sector carbon footprint:
The answer is in home-grown technology
Reducing the carbon footprint in organisations and companies will
have long-lasting environmental and economic benefits not only to
organisations but also to the nation at large, an official of one of
country's pioneering carbon reduction consultancy firms - Somaratna
Consultants, said recently in Colombo.
"The pledge by the Ministry of Power and Energy to reduce the carbon
footprint of the energy sector by five percent, is an unprecedented move
by a State agency," Managing Director, Somaratna Consultants, K.
Chandralal Somaratna said.
'Sri Lanka's energy sector development plan for a knowledge-based
economy 2015-2025' policy made public recently, stipulates that Sri
Lanka will reduce the carbon footprint of the energy sector to address
global warming and climate change impact.
The policy document also said that all available opportunities in
product development and service delivery will be exploited to develop
home-grown technology in energy conversion, storage, delivery, metering
and billing to enhance the stake of renewable energy, carbon emissions
avoidance and efficiency in energy systems.
The Ministry pledge that comprehensive research would be undertaken
in atmospheric carbon reduction technology to minimise the impact of
increased energy consumption on the climate was a positive move.
In light of these developments the ability to conclusively report the
GHG footprint is becoming increasingly important.
Recently, Somaratna Consultants marked a new chapter in the country's
corporate sector by providing consultancy services for the first-ever
GHG Report to be verified against ISO 14064-1 by an accredited
certification body. So far they have carried out three similar
"When you reduce the carbon footprint of your product from 5.27 kgs
of CO2e per kg to 3.67 kgs, you should communicate that to your clients
conclusively. With the GHG targets being imposed by various countries
this is going to be the new competitive advantage," he said.
The ISO 14000 family of standards provides practical tools for
companies and organisations of all kinds to manage their environmental
Of this, ISO 14064-1:2006 specifies principles and needs at the
organisation level for quantification, reporting and removal of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which includes the design, development,
management, reporting and verification of an organisation's GHG
Green house gases stand out as the biggest threat to our climate,
posing many challenges to the well-being of mankind. The measuring of
GHG emission and controlling it remains the need of the hour especially
in industries that contribute to this worldwide issue.
The process includes measurement and controlling, greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions, ozone-depleting substances, energy use, air quality, air
pollutants, waste, water use, waste water, chemicals and through
re-forestation initiatives.
"Industries are an integral part of the global effort to tackle
climate change, but they have always lacked a consistent and transparent
approach to measure and report emissions - until now," Somarathne said.
"The ISO-14064 implements a robust and clear framework to set up
credible emission accounting and reporting practices, thereby helping
organisations develop an emissions baseline, set mitigation goals,
create more targeted climate action plans and track progress over time,"
he said.
"We believe that all corporate entities in Sri Lanka should strongly
commit themselves towards creating an energy-efficient, low-carbon
economy," Somaratna added.
"In an unprecedented move, United States President Barack Obama
pledged to reduce the world's second largest carbon emitting economy's
greenhouse gas emissions 26-28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. Not
only should Sri Lankan companies up their game but should also tap into
the tremendous opportunities created by this," he said.
"Companies should seriously consider investing in innovative
low-carbon technologies that will not only make an important
contribution to greenhouse gas reduction but also boost bottom-lines,"
opined Director, Risk Management Services, Arjuna Somaratna.