'Infectious diseases drug supplies adequate'
by Carol Aloysius
Responding to fears of drug shortages following an outbreak of
infectious diseases islandwide, the Health Ministry has assured the
public there were sufficient drugs available at all government hospitals
and OPD clinics.
"We have issued enough stocks for most of the diseases now prevailing
in the country including conjunctivitis, chicken pox, measles, diarrhoea,
hepatitis, diarrhoea, rat fever.
They are available free of charge to all patients visiting our state
hospitals anywhere," sources from the Medical Supplies Division,
Ministry of Health told the Sunday Observer.
Asked if the private sector could also access them, they said the
drugs were also being issued in limited quantities to the State
Pharmaceutical Corporation.
"We are doing this on humanitarian grounds so that the private sector
is not left out.
But there are certain norms that must be met first," he said, adding
that private hospitals could also order such drugs on a large scale
through the Osu Sala or other manufacturers if they wished."
The public will have more options this way", they said. On drugs for
AHINI, informed sources said that according to a circular from the
Epidemiology Unit, if a patient has developed critical symptoms of AHINI,
any anti viral drug would be released directly to the patient according
to his/her requirements ,and not to the hospital since these drugs were
very costly. This would also prevent over use and development of
immunity. |