Guardians of the mangroves
Lead role for Sri Lankan women in the countrywide
mangrove preservation initiative:
by Amantha Perera
Sri Lanka's new mangrove protection scheme, the world's first
country-wide initiative, is relying on women like Michel Priyadarshani,
head of a fisherwomen's group in eastern Ambantotam village.
Priyadarshani and her colleagues did not understand the importance of
mangroves for the ecosystem, including the fish population, until they
benefited from a programme offering microcredit in return for looking
after the coastal forests.
we know - and from us, our husbands and our community also have become
aware," Priyadarshani said.Since 1997, Sudeesa, a national organisation
that works to protect coastal ecosystems, has given women living near
mangrove forests financial assistance - mainly loans of $50 to $2,000
each - incentivising them to care for the delicate trees.Now the
programme is about to go island-wide. Sudeesa, together with the Sri
Lankan Government and US -based environmental conservation group
Seacology, recently launched a five-year, $3.4 million mangrove
preservation initiative.
Sri Lanka is the first nation to promise to protect all its
mangroves, experts said.Mangrove trees grow in saltwater, forming a
vital part of the natural cycle in coastal lagoons. Fish and other
marine creatures like prawns use the deep roots as breeding areas.
The forests protect coastal communities from abrupt tidal shifts and
storms, while slowing shore erosion.
"People who live near mangroves tell us the trees act as a buffer
against the wind and heavy rains, breaking their intensity just before
they make landfall," said Douglas Thisera, director for coastal
conservation at Sudeesa, formerly known as the Small Fishers Federation
of Lanka.
Mangrove swamps also store carbon, sequestering it in the top few
metres of underwater soil and keeping it there longer than other trees.
K. D. Wijitha, who runs a group bringing together women from 23
villages in the northwestern Kalapitiya area, said they had learned to
look after the mangrove forests.
"We make sure that they are safe," she said.Thanks to the Sudeesa
programme, Kristina Jospin from Samadigama village in northwestern
Puttalam District received training and financial aid to operate a small
bakery, which allows her to support her sick husband and four
children.Sudeesa credit officer Suvinetha de Silva said the programme
usually targets the poorest women, who are unable to seek credit from
The new national scheme aims to set up 1,500 community groups around
Sri Lanka's 48 lagoons, which will offer alternative job training and
micro-loans to 15,000 people. The groups will be responsible for the
upkeep of designated mangrove forests.Pilot projects showed a high
success rate, said Duane Silverstein, executive director of Seacology.
Almost 2,000 loans were made to women, with a repayment rate of over 96
"With very small loans of around $100, several of the women were so
successful that they already employed additional women," he said.Half of
loan recipients under the new programme will be widows, while the rest
will be male and female school dropouts.Seacology and Sudeesa officials
said each community group will be responsible for around 21 acres (8.5
hectares) of mangrove forest. The government has agreed to provide
rangers to patrol the forests.The programme also plans to replant 9,600
acres (3,885 hectares) of mangroves.The new Government of President
Maithripala Sirisena has brought the island's 21,782 acres (8,815
hectares) of mangroves under the Forest Ordinance Act, making it illegal
for anyone to exploit them for commercial purposes.
"It is an extremely vital decision because now all mangroves around
the island can be protected with the active participation of the
Forestry Department," said Sudeesa chairman Anuradha Wickramasinghe.Some
three decades ago, Sri Lanka had at least 40,000 hectares (98,842 acres)
of mangroves, Thisera said. But the bulk has been destroyed due to
commercial exploitation and firewood use.
Prawn damage
"The biggest threats to mangroves in Sri Lanka include prawn farms,
which have been greatly curtailed in recent years, collateral damage
from the civil war, and impoverished people cutting down mangroves to
use or sell as charcoal," Seacology's Silverstein said.
The worst damage occurred in the northwest of the island nation,
where commercial prawn farms took off in the 1990s. But most of these
farms have been abandoned in the last few years due to the spread of
The new mangrove protection scheme plans to introduce other trees
that can provide an alternative fuel source, such as coconut husks.
Silverstein said the government's enthusiasm for protecting the
mangrove forests could push other countries in the region to follow
Defence Secretary B.M.U.D. Basnayake told Silverstein the national
armed forces could help with replanting efforts.Sudeesa's Wickramasinghe
said the programme's success would depend on how far local communities
buy into it.
"We have to make them understand the mangroves are a boost to their
lives and their incomes," he added.
-Thomson Reuters Foundation