A Primer on 'Mansplaining'
AKA when men don't value your opinion:
by Amber Gordon
Mansplaining is a term coined and popularized recently to explain an
annoyance that society (AKA women) have dealt with for practically
forever. It can be traced back to an article written in 2008 called 'Men
Who Explain Things To Me', which is about.. exactly what it sounds like
it's about.
The informal definition of mansplaining goes something like this: The
act of explaining (something) condescendingly to a female listener,
especially to explain something the listener already knows, presuming
that she has an inferior understanding of it because she's a woman.
So now that you know the definition, let's dive a little deeper and
chat about what makes a mansplainer, what they look like, where they
thrive, and what you can do to stop them.
The Anatomy of a Mansplainer
Typically a 'mansplainer' is...a man. (No surprises there.) In
addition, he usually comes from privilege (i.e. upper middle class,
educated) and feels entitled to 'explain' things to you as if it were
his moral and ethical responsibility. But honestly, it could be anyone.
It could even be you! (Please don't let it be you.)
days it seems like 'mansplainers' thrive on the World Wide Web. "Dude,
are you even listening to yourself right now?" is a thought that often
crosses my mind when I see people (mostly women) falling victims to
Where Does a Mansplainer Thrive?
Most mansplainers tend to congregate (and aggravate) on Twitter, an
open platform where anyone can have a conversation with you (unless
you're private), making you highly susceptible to mansplain
A perfect example is when Casey Johnston wrote a fantastic article
discussing why schools aren't providing computer science classes. She
tweeted out her article along with a quote, which received a reply from
someone telling her to "read the full article." It seems this
mansplainer did not realize that she was the author of the
article.Facebook can also be tricky territory, but since the algorithm
operates so you see things you mostly like or agree with, hopefully most
mansplainers will be kept out of your comments. Since Facebook is
primarily used for friends and family, I want to believe you're less
susceptible to mansplaining here, but you never know... that person you
met once through a friend who immediately friend requested you could
totally be a mansplainer in hiding.
Tumblr is mainly animage-heavy social platform known for the
all-powerful reblog. It's also known for its positivity and awesome
fandoms/communities! When you reblog a post, any comments you add to it
are only seen by your followers, which is a great motivator to not be a
jerk. It doesn't mean that mansplaining doesn't happen on here at all.
But I'd like to think it's not as bad.
As for the others (Vine, Instagram, and Snapchat), I'm pretty sure
mansplaining is kept to a minimum.
The All-Annoying Actually
It's a word you'll find them using often. "Actually, I think you
meant to say..." or "No it's not, it's actually..." Actually, I didn't
ask for you to correct me or give me your opinion on my opinion.Why do
they do it you ask? I ask myself this very same thing-why or what drives
people to "actually" you.
In our early childhood years, many of us were taught to separate
girls' and boys' topics. Ex: boys = video games, sports, etc. Girls =
fashion, beauty, general domesticity. Mansplaining seems to happen most
often when a guy assumes a woman doesn't know much about a "boy" topic.
"Mansplainers" almost always claim that they aren't doing anything
wrong, or they think they're helping in some strange way.
Miranda, 20, noticed mansplaining almost immediately at work. "We
have this machine that dispenses cake batter [at my job] and it's not
super intricate, but it has about 10 parts to it. If you don't put it
back together correctly, it can break. My boss's husband showed me how
to use it twice. When he came in one day and I had set it up on my own,
he was like, 'WOW-you actually understand this?'" The problem with the
"actually" is that some men are impressed when women operate outside of
their gender roles, when they should be holding their employees and
co-workers accountable for the same things.
Robyn, 27, only became familiar with mansplaining after transitioning
from male to female. "I used to work in music-I managed bands, did some
light touring, worked for a publishing house, etc. I learned to really
like Kanye. I remember telling this guy one time that I really liked the
song writing and production on his latest album, and he just kind of
discredited my knowledge." After the man in question offered more
information than Robyn asked for (or, frankly, needed, since she already
knew quite a bit about the business), she left feeling demeaned. This
was something that hadn't happened to her when she presented as a man.
How to Handle It
The message is simple: Talk with me, not at me. One of the most
frustrating aspects of this phenomenon is that said 'mansplainer' is in
no way trying to have a meaningful conversation with you. A typical 'mansplainer'
is going out of his way to correct, explain, or silence whatever it is
you happen to be speaking about. I have a really hard time understanding
why said person thinks it's perfectly okay to do this, when it's totally
Thinking back to when I was a teen, my response to a 'mansplainer'
was usually either, "I know" or "Okay." As a 25-year-old, I've come to
learn that no, it's really not okay. You have every right to express
your thoughts without someone stomping on them and saying you can't, or
it's wrong, or "Actually, what you mean is..."
If this is happening to you online, don't be afraid to use the block
or ignore button. If someone is mansplaining in public, maybe ask them
if they think they're "actually" helping you. Let them know that they
aren't, or that you don't care about their opinions. There's nothing
that mansplainers hate more than being put in their place.
(Amber Gordon is the founder of Femsplain, a
community for everyone, powered by personal contributions from anyone
female-identified. She lives in Brooklyn, NY, enjoys Internet culture,
baking, online gaming, and in her spare time watches a lot of anime)