Sri Lanka's voters are a set of
people who have long been used to a gush of promises by their political
and governmental leaders. And they are equally used to seeing these
promises being broken or unfulfilled in the time stipulated by those
making promises.
In the early years of our electoral politics, the promises made to
voters at election time were more down-to-earth and tended to be
specific and concrete policy commitments. The promise of the Mahaveli
river hydrel and irrigation scheme made during the 1970s by UNP and SLFP
governments is a fine example of such responsible, genuinely
governance-oriented election promises. The Mahaveli development
programme was conceived not by politicians - even if some elements of it
originated with some bright ideas of politicians - but by the country's
technocracy and bureaucracy who devoted their trained minds to the
imperatives of national development in the first flush of post-colonial
nationhood. Successive governments - of rival parties - were happy to
implement the programme without too much diversion from the original
plans, except that the UNP managed to creatively 'accelerate' it in the
interests of meeting a range of emerging development needs.
Sadly, it seems that as the nation grew older, it became more cynical
than wiser. Politicians, in their frenetic bids for electoral victory,
were soon unrestrained in their lavish promises of virtually anything to
get votes. The preferential vote system encouraged such hyperbole in
place of policy. Compelled to engage in fierce individual competition
with each other to grab the preferential vote, candidates simply
indulged in loose promises and vague arguments that played on the
caprices, phobias and fantasies of the voter. Fantasies of quick
affluence and luxury - using a super-rich neighbouring country as the
example - were once offered by one party in the past. Its main rival
party was the one that launched the fantasy of ethnic supremacy. The
devastating extent to which that ethnic fantasy has been taken was seen
in the way in which 'victory' was achieved against separatism. Indeed,
that supremacist fantasy yet prompts violent outbursts against ethnic
minorities at the urging of religiously garbed demagogues.
When political party contestation was transcended by coalition-based
politics, the broader the coalition, the more vague became the
respective rival political platforms of electoral contest. In attempts
to bring together the broadest coalition of political forces simply for
the purpose of winning governmental power, political leaders were soon
making commitments to diverse social forces that were simply
irreconcilable in terms of the practicalities of fulfilment. The most
absurd seemed to have been those clearly contradictory commitments made
- within the same political coalition - to both limit as well as broaden
the devolution of power to the provinces. This had to be done in order
to cobble together parties that advocated fully incompatible approaches
to the ethnic conflict.
In the immediate past this swing to the near-absurd in election
promises has begun to be reversed with the slow realisation among voters
as to how far they have been taken for a ride by their elected
representatives. After years of happy delusion over practically
unattainable, if not unsuitable, national goals, the citizenry now seems
to be waking up. On the one side of the ethnic conflict, ethnic minority
forces seem to have backed away from their own fantasies of exclusivism
either in terms of ethnically exclusive nation-states or in terms of
exclusive religious communities puritanically distanced from those
fellow citizens perceived as 'infidel'. On the majority's side of the
ethnic conflict, there seems to be an awakening from a fantasy of ethnic
supremacy - the supreme hollowness of such constructions revealed by the
destructive and embarrassingly un-intelligent antics of the very leaders
who embodied supremacism.
Other political forces that were once trapped in social class
politics seem to be re-assessing their long term vision and adjusting
strategy towards more pragmatic politics that combine their constituency
interests together with creative new programmes and vision within the
parameters of the larger interests of the whole national society.
Political parties that traditionally represented the social elite now
look beyond to those larger national interests that address the needs
and interests of the collective of social classes in what could be a
grander vision of social democracy.
In this decisive political year, the Sri Lankan voter may enjoy a
better choice of political manifestos that may, hopefully, combine more
civilised fantasies with the practicalities of social life and human
endeavour that built our ancient island civilisation.
Violence: political and occult
Barely had we editorially mentioned the occult fetishes of some
politicians than the country saw – on videos widely circulated – the
physical violence that such cultic practices could engender. A prominent
politician contesting the forthcoming parliamentary election seemingly
almost bludgeoned a local party supporter – possibly inebriated – for
his friendly handclasp that may have threatened to dislodge precious
occult jewellery. Of course, such brutish personal behaviour is not
limited to just a single candidate. In a country rent asunder by
multiple violent conflicts over decades, it is but natural that the
political society is infested with denizens reputed for their brutality.
The challenge to Sri Lankan civilisation is to address this tendency
to brutish behaviour, tendencies that are expressed during elections and
also in the election of representatives who practise it. The current
general election process is remarkable for the low incidence of campaign
violence. 2015 is a decisive year which provides Sri Lankans with the
opportunity to end this cycle of brutish, occult and, consequently
un-intelligent governance.