Asian Alliance introduces on-line motor insurance policies
by Rohana Jayalal
Asian Alliance recently introduced an on-line method to purchase
Motor insurance policies.
Customers can conveniently purchase Click2Claim Motor insurance
policies online from Asian Alliance Insurance by filling out the
relevant form online and making payment.
Payment mechanisms include payment by credit card, 'cash against
delivery', where a company representative will call over at the
customer's residence or office to collect the payment.
"The latest innovations reaffirm Asian Alliance Insurance's strong
commitment to continuously enhance customer convenience and flexibility
via the latest technology and the company's status as a pioneer in
digital innovation in the insurance industry," Managing Director, Asian
Alliance Insurance PLC, Iftikar Ahamed said.
"We hope to empower all customers to access and handle all types of
insurance policies online, thereby improving cost-effectiveness in the
long run and extending insurance products to customers in the farthest
parts of the country, whom the conventional 'brick and motor' channels
may find challenging to reach," he said.
"Online insurance will grow exponentially in the coming years. Thus,
Asian Alliance will continue to invest strongly in enhancing
technology-related infrastructure and the growth that we have
experienced, particularly in Life insurance, shows that this strategy is
already paying dividends," Ahamed added.
The process of purchasing motor insurance has been made easy and
hassle-free, from mobile phones, iPads and other similar devices,
laptops or desktops, at any time of the day from any location.
The convenience of purchasing Click2Claim Motor insurance matches the
convenience delivered by the product in the event of an accident, as it
enables customers to submit accident claims via the smartphone app and
have the payment credited to their bank accounts on the same day (after
approving the settlement amount).
Click2Claim offers benefits ideally suited to the hectic lifestyles
of today's customers by eliminating the need to wait for assessors.
The newly introduced 'Click4Life' smartphone app enables Life
insurance policyholders to handle many needs pertaining to their
policies via their smartphones, thus acting in the capacity of a
'digital insurance advisor'.
Click4Life, which Android users can install through the 'play store'
and Apple users via iTunes, enables convenient payment of premia at any
time (thus reducing the possibility of policies lapsing) and intimation
of hospitalization claims.
Customers can also access their personal information and change
contact details if needed and obtain a range of information on their
policies including the type of the policy, terms, payment mode,
commencement date and benefits.
Various documents such as tax letters, surrender value certificates,
embassy letters, premium summaries, payment history and bonus summaries
can also be requested through the app. Customers can register for the
App using their National Identity Card numbers, following which an
authentication is sent via SMS.
The customer can access Click4Life using this password thereafter.
Besides the recent innovations, Asian Alliance Insurance was the
country's first insurer to enable intimation of motor insurance claims
via a mobile app (with Click2Claim) and introduce self-service Insurance
Kiosks for Motor and Life policyholders, and a 'Drive Thru' to enable
customers to renew or obtain Motor insurance.
The company has also empowered its high-performing Sales Advisors to
act as Field Underwriters (enabling high value policies to be offered
with minimum underwriting) and launched the 'Asian Alliance Digital
Academy' an online portal which offers various educational resources to
those interested in insurance.
Asian Alliance Insurance is part of the Softlogic Group.