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Changing of parties
Members of Parliament are elected by voters to represent them in
Parliament, assuming that they will work for the benefit of the people
of this country.
However, it is disappointing to note that parliamentarians change
parties through which they were elected to Parliament, even without
informing party leaders.
It is clear that they take this selfish, unethical and undemocratic
decision to gain personal benefit, ignoring how and why they were
elected to Parliament.
What a sad situation for those who elected them to Parliament.
Since this is a gross violation of the right of voters, prompt action
should be initiated to end this injustice immediately.
In my opinion, President Maithripala Sirisena should take the
initiative to prevent changing of political parties by introducing a new
Act, with the assistance of party leaders.
Rohitha Fernando Malabe
Via e-mail
The pavement hawker menace!
The Colombo Municipal Council was dilly-dallying for many years to
clear the stinking mounds of garbage from the precincts of the Sacred Bo
Tree, and the shopping centres of Pettah to prevent the menace of
pavement hawkers who obstruct the free flow of thousands of pedestrians
who commute through these streets daily to and from the work places,
railway station and bus stand.
It was a losing battle of wits for the Municipal Council, until
former Defence Secretary, Gotabaya Rajapaksa took the initiative to
evict pavement hawkers,while accommodating them in specific areas and
turned the area into a spectacular city site.
Unfortunately, instead of maintaining the well intentional efforts,
Colombo Mayor, Mohmmed. Muzammil adopted a lop-sided politically
motivated ‘Election Gundu’. A ruse, to appease pavement hawkers who
consist of predominately Muslim voters in and around the city, to
strengthen his voter base, in view of he forthcoming parliamentary
election, under the pretext of accommodating pavement trading only
during the Ramazan festive season, restricting it to a few streets in
the city.
The irony, and what is most conspicuous is, if the Mayor was so
conscious of accommodating periodical festive seasonal shoppers, as to
why he did not have the presence of mind to use the same yardstick for
the Sinhala/Hindu, and Christmas festivals, when a much larger number
converge in the city to get a bargain.
The pavement hawkers’ contention is that they do not have sufficient
business in the spaces provided by the authorities, as the sites are
situated interior and exposed to only a few customers, and therefore
there was poor business. Hence, the reason to get back to the pavement
where the people are, is a shrewd convenient pretext, as they are
hand-in-glove with criminal elements engaged in nefarious illegal
business practises in the nature of illicit liquor sales, pickpocketing,
narcotic trafficking, providing safe havens to ‘city nightingales’- all
under the guise of pavement hawking.
Mr. Muzammil’s contention of limited periods and areas will never be
a reality, since Christmas is round the corner when the Sinhala pavement
vendors, will no doubt, clamour to be permitted to continue through the
Christmas season as well as the Ramazan Festivals. By the time the
Christmas season ends, it will be followed by the Sinhala and Hindu
They would quite justifiably claim to remain through this festival
too. Ultimately, the consequences are that the pavement hawkers will
automatically come to stay.
As the medieval colloquial Sinhala proverb goes – ‘Angilla Daganda
Dunnoth Oluwath Daganna Balanawa’. It will then be a gigantic task for
the Mayor to get the pavement vendors to return to their original spaces
provided by the authorities.Wither Yahapalanaya Mr. Muzammil!
K. Sugathadasa,
Ethno-religious chauvinism
Reading Padma Edirisinghe’s article on Henry Pedris
-Multimillionaire’s son, martyr of Lanka’s freedom movement which
appeared in the Sunday Observer of 19 -7.2015 on pg 37, I was puzzled as
to how a brutal pogrom against a religious minority can be described as
a rebellion against colonial rule.
The cruel riots of 1915 were directed against the Muslims of Ceylon
and the Police records reveal the full nature of the atrocities and
destruction inflicted by the hate and envy- filled mobs.
The failure to recognize the true nature of the savage anti muslim
riots of 1915 greatly contributed to the brutal anti Tamil riots of the
post independence era.
Another bizzare distortion is the description of Captain Henry Pedris
as an anti colonial patriot. Henry Pedris was a privileged member of the
Ceylonese colonial elite who was so loyal to the British Empire that
when World War 1 broke out, he joined the Colombo Town Guard, an act
that involved taking an oath of allegiance to the British Monarch (H.M.
George V) and a pledge to obey the orders of (the mainly) British
Officers under whose command he served.
Sadly, Captain Henry Pedris not only failed to follow the orders of
his superior officers but he also allowed his ethno-religious chauvinism
and anti-muslim prejudices to get the better of him in a manner that led
him to order the men under his command to open fire on a group of Mulsim
men trying to defend themselves and their properties from the rampaging
mob-an action that led to deaths (that included a police constable) and
many injuries.
For these acts of mutiny he was court martialled and executed by
means of a firing squad as required by military law.
It’s obvious that young Henry Pedris, despite his fine education and
privileged background fell prey to the harsh hate and envy- filled
majoritarian anti minority and xenophobic propaganda being spewed out by
the pseudo nationalists of the era.
The writings and research of respected historians such as Dr. Kumari
Jayawardene and Dr. Michael Roberts give ample testimony to this.
Sikander L. Cassim
Colombo 3