International Youth Day:
'Policy-making must heed the voice of young people'
Statement issued by Guy Ryder, Director-General, International Labour
"Today we recognize and commend the civic engagement of young people,
who time and again are showing themselvesglobally to be forces for
positive change. Often the changes they are seeking are connected to the
world of work: they are mobilizing and speaking out for a better future
with decent work. Their success matters to us all.
"It is now eight years since the start of the global financial crisis
and it is encouraging that global youth unemployment rates have finally
stabilized. However, this rate remains well above its pre-crisis level,
and the labour market transition for young women and men, particularly
the most disadvantaged, is still an uphill battle. Many young people are
trapped in jobs where their rights are not respected and where they work
in conditions of great insecurity. There is a real risk of lower
lifetime earnings for young workers or their prolonged disconnect from
the labour market and society. |
"Yet, in both the formal and informal economies, there is also
evidence of great entrepreneurial spirit and dynamism - in different
ways and at different levels, as young people seek ways of coping with
and surviving in very difficult job markets.
"That energy is also being invested in many forms of engagement
commonly drawing on the unprecedented connectivity of the young
"Tackling the global youth employment challenge calls for action on
many fronts but one thing is certain - policy-making needs to heed the
voice of young people if it is to respond effectively to their needs and
aspirations. Young people in their diverse contexts and realities know
well the often simple measures that could best help them on to the
ladder of opportunity and onto the road to realizing their ambitions and
"Young people are also investing their energy in solidarity with
others. They are often champions for ethical production, for workplaces
free from child labour and forced labour, for equality of treatment and
for the right to organize as well as for economic activities that
protect the planet and people's livelihoods.
"The world of work must stand shoulder to shoulder with young people
in their stand for decent jobs and social justice.
"Today, as we celebrate the civic engagement of youth, we call on all
actors in the world of work - employers and their organizations,
workers' organizations and governments - to actively foster the
inclusion of youth making space for young people in their organizations
and activities and listening to the voice of youth.
"By encouraging the participation of youth in their organizational
activities, in social dialogue processes and labour market institutions,
and by upholding the rights of young people in the labour market, world
of work actors can lend powerful support to the inclusion of young
people. "This will be particularly important in realizing the vision of
the 2030 Development Agenda that no one should be left behind." |