tao of Dana :
Clutter can turn life upside down
Thursday morning was a sonic boom. My blog vanished for the morning,
and along with it, four years of design and images and information.
My first reaction was: "OK, why is this happening? I may need to
start over." Admittedly, all of this was in a panic.
Three hours of waiting on customer service, email, tweets and
Then the answer. "It was a mistake and a function of spam hitting the
backend of my blog."
An onslaught of clutter. Piling up.
My blog is back, I'm so grateful, and the only thing changed forever
is my awareness.
I turned to my house, which is as de-cluttered as I could ever
imagine a house could be and started to remove blocks that now appeared
obvious in light of Thursday. For me they were subtle and a function of
so much expansion at once... but, nonetheless, they are and were there
and they are going and gone.
Do you have clutter turning your life upside down?
This one is for you!
First, as the title of this column suggests you'll discover, here is
how (some big ways) the clutter of disorganization can turn your life
upside down:
1.Things stop being maintained and can break when you need them most.
2.Energy flow or 'chi' or 'life force' gets stagnant. This can
manifest in obstacles, money issues and emotional stuckness.
3.Things reach a breaking point that you didn't know were an issue in
the haze of clutter. The electricity overloads, the shelf breaks, the
job ends... things can't stay in flow when you can't see them to fix
4.Inspiration, motivation and productivity go out the window. You
might even feel like there's no use in trying because it's so
5.Things become harder that were once easy.
And more
All because so much has been swept under the rug, even out of
necessity it may seem because you didn't have time, etc, and now... it's
all not going right.
You don't need to wait for a crash to start bringing things into
Start right now
1. Make a plan to fix the disorder. Immediately.
I spent the better part of two hours making plans and making changes.
Every single level of productivity requires new levels of order. Think
about the amount of energy it takes to clean your house now. Imagine it
triples in size. You need a new way to do things now, right? Same with
all of life. It's not a 'failure' to need more organization.
My organization includes massive web security that's on the way!!!
2. Clear some space. Energetically clear it. I had my whole intensive
space clearing full throttle and it will continue for the next few days!
3. Go! For you, that could mean tacking the first bit of disorder on
your list to start to set it straight. And when you also add more order
to your environment, you set that straight.
What can you do right now to create even 5% more order?
If you want a truly prosperous life, you need order and flow. Need
it. It's not a pair of buzzy words that sounds idyllic, it's a real
Get your flow going and things become full of that magic feeling of
flow...and the prosperity flies in to match it!