'Purawara Ranga Madala':
Breaking out of the box of conformity
Purawara Ranga Madala' a unique drama festival, conducted by veteran
theatre practitioner Kaushalya Fernando was held at the Moratuwa
University premises last week. The festival is an annual event organized
by the Town and Country Planning Department of the University of
Moratuwa, to mark the end of a successful drama workshop series offered
to the University freshers.
theatre and drama is not part of the curriculum of the Engineering
Department, it is intended to encourage students to express themselves
through drama and step out of the traditional setting of the classroom
in a more creative manner. During the process, students get the
opportunity to work hand in hand with veteran theatre practitioners,
actors and directors and more importantly they get the opportunity to
enhance their creativity through drama.
Showcased at this year's 'Purawara RangaMadala' were four original
short plays produced by the first and second year students of Town and
Country Planning Department of the University of Moratuwa. This included
two drama productions namely 'Nihao' and 'FB' by the first year students
and 'Divya Gamana' and 'Falling in Love' by the second year students.
Timely themes
The story lines of all four productions were based on timely themes -
such as Chinization, media manipulation, social media mania and social
prejudices over lovers. Although these issues are much talked about, the
undergrads were able to portray them with subtle brilliance, displaying
the effect of the macro political situation on the microcosm of a
relationship and in the process making it relatable for the audience.
Kafka may have said, "Youth is happy because it has the capacity to
see beauty", but when the bubble of youth bursts, we begin to question
why the world is the way it is. 'Purawara Ranga Madala' was a great
attempt to highlight the vital role theatre can play within this
the reasoning behind 'Purawara Ranga Madala' veteran theatre
practitioner, Kaushalya Fernando, said, "Considering the world trends,
theatre and drama today is not just another subject, only taught in
aesthetic and performing art universities. This has become a part of
many other subject streams. The main intention of these theatre and
drama workshops in the Engineering faculty is to create a balanced human
being who can see the world in a balanced mindset. It helps to upgrade
the creativity and balance in life."
Human lens
Explaining that the basic strength of theatre is the personal
audience-performer relationship, she said, "The audience sees a human
being, not a headline or a number. When asking questions about politics
or any other themes, theatre is a brilliant tool to convey this.
Although these students did not have prior training in threatre and
drama, the themes and acting styles they portrayed are quite brilliant,"
thanking Nilanka Dahanayake and Prasanna Mahagamage for the training and
support given for the students to enhance their aesthetic skills.
The story lines of all the performances of the festival were viewed
through the human lens and the dramatic elements were excellently
blended. At the end of each play, it questioned human insensitivity and
made the audience use their intelligence for better understanding.
'Purawara RangaMadala' did a wonderful job of representing the
resentment young people feel about the lack of attention given to their
concerns. The raw anger and intensity were well captured in what were
essentially plays rooted in modern reality. |