A reflection of feelings
by Husna Inayathullah
It is heart rending when a child falls ill. It is hard for him or her
and even harder for their parents and loved ones to bear the sad plight
that befalls these innocent children.
Cancer is a dreaded disease and causes so much heartburn to the
victim and family members. It is terminal in many instances. According
to Cancer specialists, leukaemia in children, a type of cancer can be
cured, if detected early.
Children love to paint and draw and express their feelings. Many in
the children's ward at the Maharagama Cancer Hospital do likewise.
Dr Deepal Perera, Senior Consultant Paediatrician, Cancer Hospital,
Maharagama who treats these children sent us some of their paintings for
publication. They love to see their paintings displayed on the hospital
notice board. Some of these children have passed away. It is a rather
pathetic situation," he said.
Today we publish paintings by Kavishi, Kalpani, Sasini, Milan, Laseth,
Nihinsa, Milan, Tharusha and Janith. Some of these children are not
alive to see their paintings published but we trust that it will bring
happiness to their family members.
Dr. Perera said, "Around 15,000 cancer patients are admitted annually
to the Cancer Hospitals in Sri Lanka of which 300 are children.
 They suffer from leukaemia, eye, kidney, liver and brain tumours
which is one of the commonest cancers. Ninety percent of leukaemia
patients are being treated but their lives cannot be assured.
Some of them pass away during the operation. Kavishi Nethmani was the
first child from Sri Lanka who underwent a bone marrow operation
successfully for leukaemia and is being treated at the Cancer Ward of
the hospital." |