'Young politicians mean less corruption'
by Dhaneshi Yatawara
"More young politicians in Parliament means less corruption. They
will be careful in manoeuvering in the field as politicians. They have
to build a reputation among the public. Therefore, there will be a grace
period in politics to correct the wrongs done in the current environment
and create good governance," Executive Director of PAFFREL Rohana
Hettiarachchi said.
Premachandra |
Kumarasinghe |
Dissanayake |
Pranawithana |
Rajakaruna |
Senaratne |
Politicians elected through the vote on August 17 will be sworn in as
parliamentarians. On an average over 70% of the eligible voters,
selected 196 politicians as their representatives and 64 of them are new
to Parliament. The national lists of the two mainstream parties contain
just five newcomers.
The selection has not been confined only to youth. Experts, grass
root level seasoned politicians were prominent among the new law makers.
The trend of selecting new faces seems to be a positive sign of a
changing political environment, despite the fact that Parliament will
have to arrange an extensive orientation program. Hirunika Premachandra,
Rohinie Wijeratne and Geetha Kumarasinghe are the only women
parliamentarians in the newcomers list.
Nominating more youth to the nominations list has not been that
difficult in a changing political environment, eventhough there is still
no quota system to facilitate young blood in politics.
Youth form a significant portion of any political party and they
serve as the reserve for future leaders and policy makers.
Almost all political parties have made an effort to empower youth,
but it still lacks an efficient system to elevate them to the next
Nominated by the United National Party's wing for youth and its young
professionals association, youth are being given a better chance of
getting into the election fray, said first time parliamentarian,
Harashana Rajakaruna who was a former Provincial Councillor as well. The
UNP's young professionals' association is headed by Rajakaruna.
With a significant number of youth in Parliament, Rajakaruna said
that there will be a campaign to bring in more young parliamentarians
while fulfilling their obligations to their people.
Hopefully, with more new comers their will be a new approach to
prolonged problems of youth.
Among the new faces, some are from well- known political families
including parliamentarians such as Mayantha Dissanayake, Harshana
Rajakaruna, Kavindra Jayawaradane, Chathura Senaratne, Hirunika
Premachandra and D.V. Chanuka Dinushan.
Being a key player of the March 12 Movement(Coalition of civil
organisations formed in 2015), PAFFREL fully supports bringing in more
youth as Parliamentarians, he emphasised.
The result could be the same with the increased number of lawmakers.
While serving the people they are concerned about safeguarding their
reputation with the hard gained victory, which they won over severe
competition, which came at a price. This situation will prevail at least
for the first few years.
In its truest sense, a parliamentarian has to shoulder a huge
responsibility towards the government, the party and the people.
With an estimated 70 percent still struggling in a hand-to-mouth
existence, the national poverty alleviation will be given the highest
The new parliamentarians have a huge role to play in this endeavour.
If the Government wants the poor and middle-class to co-operate in
rebuilding a new Sri Lanka, they obviously cannot merely preach to
people who are hungry and struggling to exist. Social justice must be
meted out first.
Whether a politician is an amateur or veteran, the new leaders and
all MPs cannot take a rest now.
They have millions of promises to fulfil and many more miles to
cover. |