Where do the eyes go first?
The 10 male features women like best:
by Julie Mahfood

The hair |
What is it that ladies first notice in a man? Or should we say, on a
man? Which feature 'pops out'? Perhaps you have a thing for hands and
look first at how strong they are, or whether or not he keeps his nails
nicely. Maybe collar bones are your thing, or the Adam's apple. Everyone
has a different priority, each of us with unique physical attributes and
each with our own individual preferences.
When polled, the features women rate as being most important on a man
are perhaps quite different to what men think we think about. He might
put great importance on being - or at least appearing - strong. Is that
what women focus on when they meet a guy for the first time? Is his
square jaw-line important, or the amount of body hair he has (or
doesn't)? Does it matter if he has a uni-brow, if the rest of him looks
Let's hope that guys know it's not just what's on the outside that
matters, of course. But studies show that looks do matter - we
instinctively make judgements quickly based on appearances - and
similarly we feel good when we get positive reinforcement about our own
looks. There's almost nothing sexier than knowing your new date (or old
date, for that matter) appreciates your attributes. Guys and gals are
just as vain as one another and nothing makes a man feel more like a man
than knowing there's a manly feature of his that drives you wild.
So where do women's eyes go first? According to the statistics based
on the most commonly-answered responses to that question, the guys out
there might be surprised at what it is we're really interested in...
10. Muscular chest/shoulders

The eyes |

The neck |
Creeping in under the wire at No. 10 are guys' muscular shoulders and
chests. This feature is, in fact, the one that most guys guessed would
be women's No. 1 in polls. Not so. Of course we admire your big, strong
selves, but you're not all muscle men out there. We have to leave some
features on equal footing for the slimmer dudes. Indeed, many women are
intimidated by the hyper-muscular, big, bad, buffed look. What is too
built? If you take steroids and work out seven times a week and still
need to ask, you might have a problem. We definitely like you to be
stronger than us, but if you spend more time admiring your biceps than
we do, well, we'll probably go find someone else to admire who'll admire
us right back.
9. Penis
Yep, looks like this one is overrated by men. While there's no doubt
that this is important - very, for many of us - we're not too bothered
by how it looks. With this male feature, performance counts more than
aesthetics. To be a bit euphemistic about it, you might have a cool red
sports car or even a stretch limo, but if the suspension's shot and the
ride's too uncomfortable, well, that's more of a deal-breaker. It's okay
if a guy has a mid-range vehicle that's maybe dented on one side,
especially if it drives like nobody's business.
8. Neck
When asked what they thought women would rate at No. 8 in terms of
importance, you men said, "butt." Yet again, men were way off here. Neck
comes in eighth. It's a nice enough feature, good for nuzzling. It can
smell good and has that rough edge of stubble lower down where your
razor doesn't always reach. There's something very masculine about the
male neck, and we do like it. But, butt? At No. 8? That's funny...
7. Hair

Buttocks |
This is the one and only thing on the list that men and women agreed
upon, in terms of the importance women place on this feature of the
opposite sex. Still, there was some difference in perception. Men
thought it would be hair texture that counted. For women, it was just
hair. Does he have some? Bald's okay on the right guy - in fact, some
women even prefer that. But if he's thinning anywhere, is it at the back
or is it on the top of his head where we don't see because, let's face
it, he's usually taller? Or is he thinning right in front, or worse,
around the head? We do like to have something to run our fingers
through, and style matters too...
6. Height/Tallness
Coming in at No. 6 is how tall you fellows are, or aren't. It's
important to us, but aren't those of you who are more vertically
challenged happy to know this one didn't make the top five? The truth
is, we like height, absolutely. But as the average height for women is
around 5'4" and the average for men is around 5'8", most of you are
going to be taller than most of us. So while we like a tall man to make
us feel more feminine, anyone who's simply taller than us will generally
have the same effect. And if you're shorter and both parties like that
anyway? Could make for some interesting dancing.
5. Long legs
Although men thought a flat stomach would be at No. 5 on a woman's
list, it turns out legs are more important to the fairer sex. We like a
guy who's got it all in his stride. This goes hand in hand (or leg in
leg) with height, anyway, because if a man has long legs, chances are
he'll be tall, too.
4. Eyes
Way more important than guys believed possible is the significance of
a man's eyes to women. Men thought we'd rate this attribute at ninth in
terms of importance, but any woman can tell you that's plain crazy.
Why do you think George Clooney is so popular, or in his day the
(unfortunately) deceased Paul Newman. When women think of a
traditionally beautiful man, one of the first features to spring to mind
are his soulful peepers. Ryan Gosling. Eyes. Bradley Cooper! EYES! These
"windows to the soul" develop the crinkles that tell the world whether
or not you laugh a lot, whether or not you're kind or mean... And we all
have our own favourite eye colours on the must-have ideal man list.
3. Flat stomach
Okay, now here's where one can truly see the difference between the
sexes, why men are from Mars and women from Venus. What did men think
rated No. 3 in a woman's mind? Let's just say it rhymes with Venus.
Women actually rated that appendage at No. 9. Sorry, boys. We know it
defines a lot of you, but for women, a flat stomach is way sexier.
2. Slimness

Muscular chest/shoulders |
Men thought women would place muscular arms at number 2 - yet, that
feature didn't even make the top ten. Although strong arms are
traditionally a sign of an alpha male, times are changing and men are
under ever-more pressure to stay thin. Indeed, these days the movie
stars women want are usually the slim ones. It's not the Arnold
Schwarzeneggers or the Jean-Claude Van Dammes girls pine for. It's the
Ryan Goslings, the Matthew McConaugheys, and the Johnny Depps. So maybe
it's a generational thing, but arms are out and thin is in.
1. Buttocks
Now the naiveté displayed by men at number 8 is clear. We women like
a good, firm behind as much as you guys do. Some of you like a small
butt on a woman, and some women like a cute, small butt on men, too.
Size varies by preference, and doesn't seem to matter as much as shape.
Yes, shape is pretty important; it's got to have that curve. When you
hear a group of cougars laughing and joking around about some young
guy's cute butt? They might be laughing, but with the behind at women's
number 1 favourite male feature, a good bum has some serious pulling
-Pix and Text - TheRichest