got mail
One man’s missions to rekindle an old passion and
share the love:
by Dimithri Wijesinghe
this day of short message services, facebook walls, 140-word twitter
limits, emails at the push of a button and all other tech-driven gizmos,
a hand written letter, with all the connotations of old world charm and
frustrations, is indeed a rarity. But that’s exactly what ‘Letter
Earthlings’, founded by Nivendra Uduman an avid Sri Lankan letter
writer, is doing.
On a mission to go global with spreading love through writing
letters, the Earthlings with Uduman are also rekindling the old romance
of letter writing.
How it works is quite simple, but what’s fascinating is Uduman, the
man behind the vision who finds great purpose in listening to human
narratives of both pain and joy. This incidentally inspires most of his
poetry, where he captures lived moments in words.
Uduman, a multifaceted personality with diverse interests, is a
musician, a giver of ‘free hugs’ at quite a pace on weekends and of
course an avid fan of snail mail.
It is the latter that led him to create ‘Letter Earthlings’, a
generosity driven initiative, he put together during his university days
in Bangalore, India.
As with all great ideas, ‘Letters Earthlings’ began as a casual act
of leaving letters atop water dispensers for unsuspecting strangers to
find. He would then hide himself away and surreptitiously watch their
reaction, progressing from utmost confusion to laughter, love and
Earthling’ began with very small letter writing circles in Bangalore,
Dubai and Colombo. These were not as frequent, given the initial
shortcomings, but in a few months they not only have regular writing
circles in these three cities but have also been able to host gatherings
in Kuwait, Chennai and recently in Colombo.
Having officially kicked off ‘Letter Earthlings’ in Colombo, in
January this year, Uduman and his letter writers have since been able to
successfully conduct continuous letter writing circles.
Sharing stories
There are many things that make a letter writing circle special.
These include not only the number of letter requests received, but
importantly the stories that each of them has to share. For the letter
writers at these circles, it not only becomes an occasion to contribute
positively to the lives of these individuals but a place and space for
fellowship and opportunity to tune into the love that one has within
himself or herself and others, and channel that love to the letters, to
empathies, show support and of course to be creative. There are no
rules, no boundaries, just pen and paper, and a recipient’s address.
Like the message his letter writing ingenuity tries to pass on,
Uduman’s personality exudes positivity. His passions range from children
to education, humanitarian relief to social services and encompass an
inexhaustible list. But his passion is for getting people to see the
positive side of things.
years of experience in working with adolescents and adults from diverse
populations under his belt, Uduman helps people who experience
difficulties like depression and anxiety, those who have undergone
trauma like sexual abuse and domestic violence. He also helps couples
with relationship and marital issues, even working with the LGBTIQ
population in Sri Lanka, helping them cope with challenges and
difficulties that they face in their lives.
Therapeutic approaches
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is Uduman’s preferred therapeutic
orientation but he often uses other therapeutic approaches when
appropriate. At present he is a Counselling Psychologist by profession
who is a Senior Technical Officer and Psychologist at Samutthana (The
King’s College London Resource Centre for Trauma, Displacement and
Mental Health) and as of March this year, he also began teaching social
psychology and positive psychology at the National Institute of Social
Development (NISD). In addition to this, he continues his private
practice as Counselling Psychologist, seeing clients for individual and
couples counselling on weekday evenings.
Uduman also volunteered with the Centre for Social Action for several
years, and was involved in providing supplementary education to
underprivileged children living in the slums of Bangalore. He also
visited several hospitals and orphanages to entertain children and to
help in their healing process by just making them laugh. He says it was
a beautiful experience and he still visits hospices in Sri Lanka to
clown around when he has the time.
Uduman also enjoys his Sunday visits to Lankadhara, a home for girls,
where he teaches them life skills and conducts other activities apart
from academic work. Uduman has also volunteered at the Mount Lavinia
beach on Sundays as a trainee lifesaver. He was on duty while training,
and has received qualifications up to intermediate level.
Message from the Letter Earthlings
With Love, #letterearthlings
Thank you for stopping by!
“Letter Earthlings” was founded by an avid
Sri Lankan letter writer who is on a mission to go global
with spreading love through writing letters. There have been
a few instalments so far in Sri Lanka (Colombo), India
(Bangalore and Chennai) and the United Arab Emirates (Dubai)
the past few months.
In case you are wondering how this works:
1. We call out for letter requests
Basically, you could nominate anyone you would want letters
written to and they can live ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. (Yes,
because post is global) You can also nominate yourself. No
harm in some extra-loving.
You could also comment, email us on
[email protected], DM us on Twitter or send us a
message on Facebook too.
2. We have little letter writing circles
(so far we’ve had a few in India, Sri Lanka and the United
Arab Emirates).
3. At these letter writing circles, all
sorts and forms of people come together and write letters
and make cards and little crafty sunny things.
4.We collect all of these notes of love,
(written from all of our letter writing circles held that
month) and hand it over to the post office.
5. You receive our letters and the circle
continues! :)
Here are a few links we would like you to
check out:
• Our Facebook Page -
• Our Instagram Page - //
• Our Twitter Page-
• The Letter Earthling’s Request Form
It’s slow progress and completely
voluntary. There are no rules, no boundaries, just pen and
paper, and a recipient’s address.
Much love,