Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 13 September 2015





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Choose the tree

And know your personality:

Tree symbolises growth, nature, and life itself. Trees have an almost universal appeal, and we all have our favourites. What tree you like says a lot about you. So, pick the tree that appeals to you the most and find out a little bit more about your personality.

1.You are ethical and generous:

You are driven to be the best. You have sky high ambitions and standards. People may think you are hard on them, but you are the hardest on yourself. You may be hard working, but you're not selfish. You work hard because you want the world to be a better place. You give until it hurts and then still keep giving. Very few people appreciate all that you do.

2.You are smart and reflective:

You are a brilliant and independent thinker. Ideas are important to you. You need a lot of alone time to develop your theories and views. You are an introvert. You get along with anyone who likes to think and learn. You are never superficial. You spend a lot of time thinking about morality. You try to do what's right, even if most of society disagrees.

3.You are confident and dominant:

You are a very independent, do it yourself kind of person. You've had to rely on yourself.

You know how to be strong for yourself and the people you love. You have a protective streak. You sometimes come off as a little assertive. You know what you want, and you're not afraid to go get it. The only thing you require from people is that they're straight with you. You are ready for the truth.

4.You are happy and serene:

You are an empathetic, understanding person. You listen carefully and without judgement. You believe everyone has their own path in life. You are very accepting.

You don't get stressed out or worried easily. You are usually in a very relaxed state. You aren't much of a party animal. However, you are usually having a good time in your own way.

5.You are optimistic and lucky:

You believe that life is a gift, and you're going to make the most of what you've been given. You feel blessed with what you have achieved in your life, and you enjoy sharing your blessings with those you love. You have a healthy outlook on life. You see the glass as (at least) half full. You take every opportunity to forgive, learn, and grow. Life's too short to do anything else.

6.You are fascinating and truthful:

You are a responsible person who enjoys taking care of others. You believe in honest work and taking on commitments.

You have a good character. And while you are trustworthy, you are not boring and dull. You are bright, quick and witty. You are a nonconformist who always has something interesting to say.

7.You are insightful and philosophical:

You are a unique, one of a kind soul. There's no one even close to like you. You are intuitive and more than a little quirky. You're often misunderstood, and that hurts. You need to be left alone to do your own thing. Your creativity needs to be nurtured and respected. You are a person who vividly sees the darkness and the lightness in life. You are very emotionally aware.

8.You are kind and sensitive:

You relate to others easily. You have many friends, and you love making their lives better. You are genuinely warm and radiant. People feel comforted by your presence. Becoming a better person is something you think about every day.

You want to be interesting, insightful and special. You need love more than most people in the world. You're willing to love those who don't love you in return.

9.You are charming and energetic:

You are a cheerful, funny person. You are spontaneous and enthusiastic. You're up for anything, especially adventure! You are outrageous and sometimes even shocking. You can't help it.. You're just being yourself. You are curious about everything and have many interests. If something interests you, you investigate it.



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