Legislating a minimum wage; is it practical?
by Dinesh Weerakkody
For years there was a belief among many trade union officials that
the working class is being left behind. Either it is the EPF getting
plundered or that wage increases are insufficient, while the rich get
richer. With elections over the time has now come to tell how they hope
to address this income divide.

Pic: Courtesy Hirunews |
In general, unions invariably propose increasing the minimum wage
(whatever way you define it), while the tripartite partners are still to
agree on a definition for the minimum wage and how much it should be.
While certain politicians are in favour of raising the minimum wage,
they have been vague about how large an increase they would support.
It's still too early to say how a hike will affect the job market,
because the preliminary data we have, is not reliable.
Helps the employed
However, there is evidence globally that irrational minimum wage
increases have led to the loss of service jobs. For example, in 2014 the
congressional Budget Office in the United States found that increasing
the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour would result in employment falling by
500,000 jobs nationally.
University of California-Irvine economist David Neumark recently
pointed out that less than 20% of the earning benefits would flow to
people living below the poverty line.
Such minimum wage laws often help people who have jobs and those who
manage to keep their jobs, but hurt those without a job.
If minimum wages helped alleviate income inequality, you'd expect to
see a lot of that in the US and UK. It's understandable that people who
have jobs would like a raise. But what about the people who don't have
jobs? The national labour-participation rate and a wage increase means
little to those who aren't in the labour force but want a job now. The
same goes for those working part time because they're unable to find
full-time job opportunities.
More expensive
If the government makes something more expensive by passing
legislation, businesses that have no choice will use less of it. They
will also pass on what consumers can absorb through increased prices.
Entry-level jobs will become increasingly scarce as businesses use
labour more efficiently and in some cases, turn to automation.
Economic growth
So what's the solution? The first step is realizing that income
inequality is a symptom of a larger problem. Wage increases may appear
sympathetic and for a moment alleviate the headache, but it won't cure
the real problem. The real problem is the crowding out of the private
sector for over five years which has eliminated opportunities.
When political leaders talk about spurring economic growth by
reducing regulation, reforming the tax code, pro-growth, public service
reform and improving skills and education, they are addressing the
underlying problem that drives income inequality and helps the working
class and finally grow the economy.
There is only one thing that will decrease poverty and increase
economic opportunity: economic growth. And history has clearly shown
that there is only one system that can produce economic growth
sufficient to meaningfully reduce poverty and increase opportunity: free
enterprise. The best development for workers would be a thriving economy
in which companies have to compete to sell their products and services
and the government stays out of running enterprises and also allows the
private sector to operate as free enterprises.
The writer is a thought leader in HR |