Learn to draw By Tissa Hewavitarane
Drawing and painting a rabbit
C -The complete sketch shows the rabbit
seated comfortably |
B - The complete figure in colour |
Another popular animal found in every village, town and city in this
country is the rabbit. This timid short-haired animal is also popular in
the world.
If you can draw a rabbit accurately then you could draw any creature.
It is a pet most frequently drawn by beginner artists.
The graceful way they move gives an impression of hidden power. A
flexible coat and spine allows them to adopt a wide range of interesting
Drawing the profile of a seated rabbit should not be difficult as you
learn where each feature should go. A rabbit spends most of its time
leaping here and there looking for food and safety.
It is very rarely a rabbit stays in a comfortable position for a long
time. Rabbits are best observed while in a bush or in hiding. They are
very nervous creatures and move rapidly and suddenly stops to listen or
Fig. 1 shows how comfortably a rabbit is seated. Sketches A and B
show the basic formation of its pose drawn with pencil. Sketch C shows
its profile completed with shading.
The shading is done with a 4B lead pencil. The 4B lead pencil is soft
and gives the real texture and observe how the hair radiates.
Fig 1 A, B - The basic outline sketch of
the formation of its body structure. |
Fig 2 A - The basic outline of the body
shape |
Observe how small and delicate the nose is, gently curved mouth, the
upright ears and few whiskers on both sides. Drawing the rabbit's face
in profile is not difficult. The most common mistake that beginners make
is drawing the nose too big and ears short, as it is not so. The ears
are like petals in structure long and upright.
The newcomers in art tend to draw the eyes small and too high in the
face. The eyes are large and a black skin is round the rabbit's eyes.
The Fig. 2 A shows you the basic outline of the body shape drawn
before doing the final painting in colour. Illustration B shows the
complete figure in colour.
The material used to sketch the basic drawing is the 2B and 4B lead
pencil, while to colour a light brown wash and for details use Sabel
hair soft pointed No. 1 brush and No. 6 brush for shading and drawing
paper Kent 150 gms. |