A selfie-made PM
By Purba Ray
India's greatness lies in its great leaders. As history will testify,
leaders are not born great. They are either born with great last names
or achieve greatness through the eternal cycle of scams and clean-chits
and the many yojanas named after them.
Indian PM Narendra Modi is
a selfie expert (cloudfront.net) |
Our leaders of yore did not have the luxury of appropriating public
money for private gains, they had to mostly rely on good deeds, years of
struggle and policies that shaped our today for everlasting greatness.
But, when you're long gone and become a statue at a busy traffic
intersection, silently collecting bird poop of all hues, you need that
extra something that sets you apart from the also-rans.
Nehru appropriated the high-necked sleeveless jacket, the rose and
made that his own. Gandhi immortalized the dhoti, charkha and left great
quotes for world leaders and Hollywood stars to borrow. Netaji's
monocles are as much a part of his legacy as his mysterious
disappearance that gave rise to generations of Kakus and Jethus who
insisted they had spotted him on Elgin road just last week.
Just like political parties have symbols, our elected also need a
style statement to claim their space in fickle public memory. Since
corruption charges, insensitive comments and lunging at each other's
throats while the assembly is still in progress is de-rigueur for our
netas, they are constantly looking for a USP that will set them apart
from the cattle class. Not everyone is blessed with lush Amazonian
growth sprouting out of their ears like Laloo, so they have to resort to
capes, mufflers, rath rides and pee on plants to claim their rightful
place in the electorate's heart.
Which is why I don't understand why some of you find Modi's penchant
for taking selfies at every given opportunity so funny. Don't we all do
the same - fish out our phones, pose and preen, the moment we sense
Selfie addiction
It requires a great leader like NaMo to adopt our selfie addiction as
his own and use it to his advantage. How many nations can claim to have
a PM who not only forges ties with world leaders but also their doting
mothers and adoring bhakts by clicking selfies with them?
And when you are leading a nation with the world's youngest
population, you can no longer rely on tight churidars and bandh-galas to
worm your way into their hearts. Especially after you have promised them
'acche din' and then let your colleagues go on a banning spree depriving
them of their little joys!
While ordinary mortals like us travel all over the world only to
return with 'Made in China' mementoes, PM Modi jee goes globe-trotting
and returns with thousands and thousands of priceless memories, all
captured on his phone camera. Only NaMo knows, when it comes to selfies,
there's scope for one more and more and more.
Clicking a selfie with
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang
(images.mid-day.com) |
Even a hardened leader like Chinese Premier Li Keqiang could not
resist Modi's childlike enthusiasm and smiled for his first ever selfie.
If only Modi had pouted and tilted his head sideways, the Chinese
Government would've been wracked with remorse for welcoming him with a
map of India without Arunachal Pradesh and J&K on state TV and sent a
sorry-faced selfie as a note of apology.
While our friendly neighbours resort to border incursions, stealth
attacks and harbour terrorism to keep our friendly ties alive, our PM
believes in conquering hearts with the power of selfies.
No wonder, Indians who felt ashamed of being born Indians, coloured
their hair peroxide blonde, slathered their face with Fair and Lovely,
moved to the land of dollars and shortened their names to Ken, Jen and
Pen, are now proud to be called Kalpesh, Jignesh and Paritesh, while
they chant 'Modi, Modi, Modi' and beat up Rajdeep Sardesai.
Fifty years later when they'll erect a 700-ft statue of Narendra Modi
along Gujarat's coastline, honouring the ascent of a self-made man to a
selfie-made PM, we all know what he'll be holding in his hand as he
smiles endearingly at the sky.
In the same vicinity, where tourists will trample over each other to
get a better selfie with this great man, there'll be a chaiwala
simmering tea for his customers and dreaming of a future as bright as
the towering presence.
- Huffington Post