An exponent of Buddhism
Tribute to Harendra Sherman De Silva:
It has been a year since the passing of our dear Harendra de Silva.
The Singapore Buddha Yana Organisation (SBYO) is still saddened by this
loss. Our first meeting with him was some 30 years ago. Over the years,
this friendship had not wavered but grown closer and stronger.
As an overseas Honorary Member of the SBYO, he had shown exemplary
qualities as a devout Buddhist upholding the best practices of the
Buddha Dhamma.
We thank him for the invaluable support and encouragement accorded to
the organisation.
We are indeed ever grateful to him and his beloved wife for their
gracious hospitality extended to our Spiritual Director, the late Ven.
Ananda Mangala Maha Nayaka Thera, the chief high priest of Singapore and
Malaysia of the Amarapura Chapter, whenever the latter visited Sri
As an entrepreneur, through his business acumen and strong
leadership, he successfully expanded the family business, Sherman Sons
Ltd., beyond its shores. As an employer, he was understanding and kind;
providing guidance and assistance to all his employees who approached
him. As head of the family, he was a loving husband and caring father. A
filial son to his late parents and a brotherly mentor to his siblings.
We are indeed happy for the opportunity to be associated with him and
deeply appreciate this lifelong friendship. He was a great friend whom
we will always remember with great respect and honour.
May he attain the supreme bliss of Nibbana.
Singapore Buddha Yana Organisation. |