Murder by numbers
by Eagle Eye
Murdred Wasantha
Zoysa( |
The loss of a human life is a tragedy. The UN Office for Drugs and
Crime (UNODC) states that 437,000 people were murdered globally during
Our nation was once again plunged into deep shock over the most
cowardly and brutal homicide of martial arts champion Wasantha Zoysa.
Master Zoysa had brought fame to our motherland by his daring
exploits in karate and displays of strength and endurance. In analyzing
the way he was murdered by a violent group of about 15- 20 men, as seen
on the CCTV footage, clearly demonstrates that some human beings, living
in this high-tech era still have within their fractured psyche, traits
of a pack animal.
Pack hunter
A pack hunter or social predator is an animal belonging to a pack
which is able to stalk and hunt prey by working together. This includes
the wolf, dolphins, lions, spotted hyenas and indeed humans!
There are also avian social predators like hawks and falcons. Even
crocodiles who are generally solitary hunters have been known to ambush
and take down prey in the 'pack hunt' manner. The bond between man and
dog can also be traced to their mutual understanding of pack hunting and
sharing their kill, in ancient times. This practice continues to this
day as specialized dog breeds are used for hunting and rewarded with a
portion of meat.
We may ask why did this killer not use a gun with a silencer, which
is the current universal trend in direct assassinations? Why did they
have to come in a large and obvious group, throw devices that caused
mild fires within the restaurant and then proceed to attack the victim
with iron bars and wooden clubs? This is very clearly indicative of
their 'pack hunt' killer mentality.
Cooperative hunting
In the animal kingdom, we see this pattern as an act of "cooperative
hunting' where meat-eating animals collectively hunt in groups. Here,
the predators after selecting a large prey, knowing well that they
cannot bring down the animal alone, and can only succeed in a combined
killing effort. After locating their victim, they will surround and use
tactics of intimidation by ferocious growling or roaring. They are
relying on the safety in numbers.
Craig Packer and Lore Ruttan (1988) have studied this pattern of
cooperative killing in animals and have come up with the theory of
Evolutionary Stable Strategy ( ESS), where a pack combines to kill a
prey, which is bound to increases their hunting efficiency, and perhaps
minimize risk.
Whilst animals join in packs to simply hunt and survive, humans form
and maintain gangs for criminal purposes.
Again, from the CCTV clip this is a gang style 'raid and kill'
operation. It is simply absurd that some suspects in custody, according
to news reports, are now saying that they wanted to intimidate the
victim. This gruesome attack bears the hallmarks of a well-organized
It is somewhat bizarre that the attackers wore hooded clothing
(surely to conceal their identity) yet looked like members of the famous
KKK in the United States.
By definition, a gang is a youth group whose involvement in illegal
activity is part of their group identity. A study by the University of
Kent, strongly suggests that there is always a kind of reciprocal
relationship between gang members and their peers. These persons thrive
in an atmosphere that not only fosters but glorifies delinquency. All
members who are affiliated with a gang have antisocial and antiauthority
Often they tend to blame their dead (murdered) victims for their own
actions. They also display a proclivity for criminal activity which
tends to grow as the members become more experienced. From a social and
moral perspective, these troubled youth earnestly desire to gain respect
and status. These actions can be further endorsed by the Control Theory,
where people engage in deviant behaviour when their bond with society
steadily weakens, often not noticed by family members.
There have been similar attacks and murders in the past, but this is
unique as it was captured on camera. Instead of playing this incident
down as some isolated village incident, society must accept that our
pious nation has now witnessed a pre-meditated organized crime. Justice
must be delivered swiftly. |