Japanese Foreign Minister's Commendations
(L to R) Madam
Akiko Suganuma, G. KulathilakeChitral Jayawardane, Upali
Jayasekera, Ambassador Kenichi Suganuma and Ms. Asako Okai, |
Kenichi Suganuma, Ambassador of Japan, formally awarded the
Foreign Minister's Commendations to Upali Stanley Jayasekera,
Chitral Jayawardane and G. Kulatilake of Sri Lanka, at a special
ceremony held recently at the Ambassador's residence in Colombo.
The Foreign Minister's Commendations are awarded to individuals
and groups for their outstanding achievements in international
fields, to acknowledge their contribution to the promotion of
friendship between Japan and foreign countries.
Upali Stanley Jayasekera has been commended for contributing to
the promotion of mutual understanding and friendship between Japan
and Sri Lanka as Chairman of Sasakawa Trust and Secretary of JICA
Alumni Association of Sri Lanka (JICA AA).
Chitral Jayawardane has received the commendation in recognition
of his services as a founder member of JICA AA for over 40 years and
especially for having actively led its large membership network with
his strong leadership and popularity as President since 2010.
G. Kulatilake was awarded the commendation in recognition of
establishing Japan Sri Lanka Technical and Cultural Association (JASTECA)
which is an alumni association of people who obtained technical
training in Japan and diffused the use of Japanese 5S management
tool in Sri Lanka.
The 5S management tool: the name of a workplace organization
method that uses a list of five Japanese words, viz., Seiri (Sort),
Seiton (Systematic arrangement), Seiso (Shine), Seiketsu
(Standardize) and Shitsuke (Sustain)
Job and Education Fair
The Job and Education Fair, spearheaded by Hameedians Job Hunt to
provide employment opportunities and vocational training to youth in
the Colombo Central electorate was held at the MICH Hall, Dematagoda,
recently. More than 250 youth attended the Fair. It was organised by
the Past Prefect's Guild of Hameed Al Husseinie College, Colombo and
the Society for Social Development.
Amana Takaful Life, Light and Shades, Fashion Bug, Keells Super,
ISP Innotech, Mitech Computer Systems, EAM Maliban, White Line
Industries and ETA Melco Engineering took part in the Job Fair
interviewing candidates for vacancies in their establishments
offering immediate placements for the right candidates. Another
feature was the encouragment and offers given by leading institutes
providing various educational and vocational training courses. PIBT,
ATC, Masterminds, Caring Hands, WinSYS Networks, Institute of
Business Studies (IBS), Insight Institute, BCAS Campus, AOG Campus
and Highlight Institute gave many scholarships worth over Rs.
300,000 to students who enrolled in various Educational and
Vocational Training courses.
Principal of Hameed Al Husseinie College, Captain Nasimumtheen,
General Secretary of the Old Boys' Association A. C. M. Sabry,
President of the Group of '80s Lahir Salley and General Secretary of
the School Development Committee M. Zubair were present at the
opening ceremony.
Text : Ruzaik Farook