Fiddling with the EPF and ETF
by Uditha Kumarasinghe
The EPF and ETF are progressive milestones in the well-being of the
worker population. Today the EPF and ETF funds amounting to Rs.1.7
trillion, the largest fund in South Asia is administered by the Central
Bank and the Ministry of Policy Planning and Economic Affairs.
The government has now proposed to set up a EPF-ETF combined National
Pension Fund. The government probably wants to make it a more nationally
productive enterprise helping beneficiaries and also a boost to the
national economy. Meanwhile, certain sections of opposition political
parties have raised objections on irrational grounds. The government has
given a firm undertaking that it would implement the proposal only after
extensive discussions with stakeholders.
Economic Policy Statement
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe presenting the government's
Economic Policy Statement in Parliament on November 5 assured to take
measures to secure the funds in the EPF and ETF and added that both
these funds will be amalgamated to create a new National Pension Fund
that will have a combined worth of Rs. 1.7 trillion. The Premier also
said the government will not leave room for politicians and officials to
waste resources of this new pension fund as they did with the EPF/ETF
funds. The Constitutional Council will appoint a board of trustees for
the Fund and a committee consisting of members of civil society, trade
unions and chambers of commerce will supervise.
Accordingly, the changes in governments or ministerial positions will
not affect these measures so that the funds belonging to the people will
not be squandered. However, some opposition politicians and trade unions
alleged that the government was trying to take control of this massive
amount of funds under the cover of introducing a pension scheme for
private sector employees.
Dismissing speculation, Deputy Minister of State Enterprise
Development Eran Wickramaratne told the Sunday Observer the government
has only put forward a policy statement and it has to be extensively
discussed .The EPF and ETF are retirement funds. The only issue is they
were managed by two seperate entities. These funds can be managed
separately or can be put together. Therefore, the issue here is a
management issue
People assume it is safe when their funds are in the custody of the
Central Bank. But if you look at the records of the past few years, EPF
investments have been made which which were detrimental to the interest
of the owners. Normally, retirement funds are put into safe investments
such as blue-chip companies. Despite this fund being under the Central
Bank, it has not been managed in the best interest of workers. There is
a conflict of interest with the Central bank managing these funds. The
contention is that the Central Bank is the agent which mobilises
government debt. The objective of the government is to mobilise debt at
the lowest possible interest rate.
On the other hand, the Central Bank handled employees' funds and the
people have really lost the market value for their EPF funds. At
present, we are managing two conflicting objectives. The present
proposal is to avoid that conflict and have an independent management
authority. That is what the Prime Minister also proposed in his policy
According to Deputy Minister Wickramaratne, the proposed management
authority would be fully independent and its directors will be appointed
by the Constitutional Council which will also be monitored by the Public
Trustee. The Board of Directors will also include a worker
This proposal has been put forward for the betterment of the
employees and make sure that they get the highest return. Therefore,
lots of checks and balances are in place. The proposal put forward by
the Prime Minister is progressive to safeguard the value of the funds of
workers and wil enable the best returns. UPFA Parliamentarian Bandula
Gunawardena is misrepresenting the facts. I would like to ask MP
Gunawardena where he was when the Rs.500 million EPF funds were invested
in Mihin Lanka. Former Ministers such as Gunawardena are now trying to
sound like they are the great protectors. We have not made any changes
to the EPF or the ETF. We are only putting forward a better proposal for
public discussion.
LSSP Leader Prof.Tissa Vitarana said the LSSP is opposed to the move
to take away the EPF and the ETF from the Central Bank and the
amalgamation to be done by a private company which will thereafter be
given the task carried out by the Central Bank. The Central Bank has
been handling the EPF in a professional and efficient manner to the
satisfaction of workers and trade unions. They have not made any request
for change or have not pointed out shortcomings since the EPF was
introduced by the then Labour Minister T.B. Illangaratne in 1958. There
is no rationale for this change.
Prof. Vitarana pointed out these funds can be used at various stages
when the government is faced with a liquidity crisis and this would
again can lead to an uncertain outcome. The LSSP is opposed to any move
to take the EPF out of the Central Bank. The government should come up
with concrete proposals which would be discussed transparently with all
stakeholders, particularly with trade unions and representatives of the
workers. The present government has placed itself in a position where
the IMF and the World Bank can control our policies. Since the present
government took over from former UPFA government in January this year,
foreign exchange reserves which were US$ 8.3 billion have come down to
US$ 6.2 billion.
MEP Leader Dinesh Gunawardena told the Sunday Observer that the
government's argument to amalgamate the EPF and ETF lacks credibility.
When EPF and ETF funds are with the Central Bank, the people have faith
that ii is in safe hands. We are not cannot comment on any shortcomings
or disadvantages of the move, as the government is yet to present the
details of the amalgamation. The government can dance according to the
whims and fancies of the IMF, World Bank or any other international
agency, but they have a responsibility towards the people. We have
learnt enough lessons in the international arena, on the chaos and
collapse of monetary and financial systems due to the advice of
international monetary agencies. The government's revenue has dropped
and it doesn't have a clear policy. Now they are trying to tap the
resources of the working class which is kept safe to be used later by
Positive move
A pension scheme for all is a positive move which even the Rajapaksa
government proposed which was opposed by the then Opposition. We are
still to see the draft proposal which can be worked out without touching
the resources of the workers.
The former Chairman of the parliamentary watchdog:the Committee On
Public Enterprises (COPE) D. E. W. Gunasekara said he doesn't know what
the rationale is to amalgamate the EPF and the ETF, while taking away
the EPF from the Central Bank.
The EPF-ETF have funds amounting to over Rs. one trillion and
attempts to get the funds out of the Central Bank's control is wrong.
The government says when these funds are in the Central Bank, there is a
conflict of interest. ers would get a better rate of interest.
The move to amalgamate the EPF and ETF and move funds out of the
Central Bank's supervision wasn't acceptable. Most feel that the Central
Bank was the least corrupt state institutions. However, government
legislators talk about political interference with the Central Bank.
We will have to ask from the government whether there will be no such
meddling with the new institution that is going to be set up. The Board
of Directors administering the fund are to be appointed by the
Constitutional Council and the Communist party veteran queried as to
whether the members appointed by the Constitutional Council will be
Refuting allegations levelled by certain sections, Parliamentary
Reforms and Media Minister Gayantha Karunatilake said that the proposed
National Pension Fund with EPF-ETF amalgamation has been contemplated by
the government in the larger interest of the worker population.
There is no finality reached as yet and discussions are being held
with the stakeholders, mainly trade unions. The Opposition for the sake
of opposing every progressive government legislation are back in their
old game. Whatever decision is made will be in the interest of the
working people's. |