Accolades for Link Sudantha
Link Sudantha has been rewarded for its achievements at the 2015 SLIM
Brand Excellence award ceremony.
Being recognized with a Bronze in the 'Local Brand of the Year'
category at the SLIM Brand Excellence Awards is testament to the
professional approach of Link Natural Products (Pvt) Ltd.
Research has revealed that although the habit of oral cleansing is
practised regularly, oral hygiene is not in an ideal state in adults and
children. Oral hygiene consists of two major components, healthy teeth
and gums.
Most brands focus on the teeth and claim to protect the teeth from
cavities, yet professionals believe that teeth and gums need equal
attention to ensure dental health is not compromised.
The mouth is the primary point at which the digestion process
commences, without good oral health, the breaking up of the food for
digestion will not happen. Therefore, teeth and gums have to be taken
care of to last a lifetime.
Link Sudantha is marketed by Link Natural Products (Pvt) Ltd, reputed
for using traditional ayurvedic knowledge with modern science and
technology, to innovate and deliver products to suit the lifestyle of
the present day consumer. |