Secca Team on Rupavahini
'Secca Team', a new teledrama, which provides a rare window into the
complexities of a multicultural society and the encounters between
characters, their tangled lives and world, began its weekly telecast on
Rupavahini at 8.30 p.m. yesterday, November 21. The thirteen-episode
teledrama will be telecast from 8.30 to 9.00 p.m. on Saturdays for the
next baker's dozen week.
around a group of security guards and set to a cricketing background, 'Seccas'
tells a story about disparate lives, bringing to life both the pride of
winning a championship and going beyond to being a story of happy
endings. It talks about the whole spectrum of humanness and the idea of
representation and about people working together to rebuild something
new for everybody, one country, one nation that promotes reconciliation,
multi-dimensional identities and engages across dividing lines.
Search for Common Grounds (SFCG) which is promoting 'Secca' has been
implementing a highly successful, multi-nation episodic TV drama
entitled, 'The Team' globally to help transform social attitudes and
diminish violent behaviour in countries grappling with deeply rooted
The television series addresses the very real divisive issues facing
societies in a dozen African, Asian and Middle Eastern countries, using
sport as a unifier to surmount barriers.
Link to the promotional Song - https://www/
Secca Team Facebook page - |