Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 7 February 2016





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

From political prisoners to parliamentarians

Aung San Suu Kyi leads Mynamar through democratic transition:

When U. Thant of Myanmar was elected UN Secretary-General back in November 1962, he was the first Asian to hold that post after Trygve Lie of Norway and Dag Hammarskjold of Sweden.

The appointment was also a historic moment for Asia, which waited for 45 long years for the second Asian to hold that position: Ban Ki-moon of South Korea, the current UN Secretary-General, who was elected in January 2007.

An equally important event took place in Myanmar last November when it held nationwide elections – the first after decades of military rule –which were hailed by the United Nations as “a significant achievement in Myanmar’s democratic transition.”

Aung San Suu Kyi, who was forced to spend nearly 15 years under house arrest by a military government, emerged the leader of the largest political party: the National League for Democracy Party(NLDP).

Political prisoners

On February 1, Myanmar’s first freely-elected parliament in decades met in the capital of Naypyidaw — and at least over 110 of the NLDP’s 390 members in the new parliament are former political prisoners.

But constitutionally, Aung San Suu Kyi, is barred from holding the post of President, despite the NLD’s parliamentary majority, primarily because her children who were born in UK are treated as foreigners. Her late husband was a British scholar.

Asked about the historic opening of parliament, UN Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said: “It’s another extremely important step in the restoration of democracy in Myanmar.” Ban said, the United Nations “has long been involved in Myanmar’s transition after more than 50 years of military rule,” appointing a Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the issue.

In 2007, he set up the “Group of Friends of the Secretary-General on Myanmar,” a consultative forum of 14 countries to assist him in his efforts to spur change in Myanmar.

Over the years, he has welcomed the release of political prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi herself.

In 2010, he voiced concern over the decision to dissolve ten political parties, including the NLD, ahead of the previous elections that November. The US, which imposed rigid economic and military sanctions on Myanmar for lack of a democratically- elected government, for its treatment of political prisoners and its human rights violations, has begun easing some of these restrictions.

Since 2012, the US has provided over US$500 million in support of Myanmar’s reform process, including implementation of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement and efforts to increase the participation of civil society and women in the peace process.

At a January media conference in Naypyitaw, US Deputy Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said the US welcomed the positive statements from President Thein Sein and the leadership of the military congratulating the NLD and pledging to respect the election results.

It is also encouraging that Aung San Suu Kyi has met with President Thein Sein and Commander-in-Chief Min Aung Hlaing to discuss the upcoming political transition.

“We know there are still many challenges ahead,” Blinken said.

He also said that remaining political prisoners must be released and human rights protected for all, no matter their ethnicity or religion. Reforms need to continue until an elected civilian government is truly sovereign and all the country’s institutions answer to the people. He said the US has also discussed Myanmar’s economic challenges, including the incoming government’s focus on improving conditions for those who live and work off the land.

Peace dialogue

“We talked about the peace process and political dialogue between the government and ethnic nationalities.

The US will do whatever the stakeholders in this historic effort believe will be helpful to aid in its success. Meanwhile, we urge an end to offensive military operations and unfettered humanitarian access to civilians in need,” he added.

The US is particularly concerned about discrimination and violence experienced by ethnic and religious minorities, including the Rohingya population in the Rakhine State.

Ban said he is regretfully aware that a large number of voters from minority communities, in particular the Rohingya, were denied the right to vote and some were disqualified as candidates,” the statement noted. Encouraged by the statements of political and military leaders and other relevant actors, as Myanmar begins of forming its next government, the UN Chief has urged all national stakeholders to maintain a calm atmosphere and uphold human rights and the rule of law.

“There is much hard work that remains ahead on Myanmar’s democratic journey and towards making future elections truly inclusive,” he said, underscoring that the people and leaders of Myanmar have it within their power to come together to build a better future for their country, “a future where peace and development take firm root on the foundations of inclusivity, respect and tolerance, where the human rights of all are protected regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or gender, and where no one is marginalised, vulnerable, and discriminated against.”



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