‘Occupy the Square’ against cultural policing
A public gathering has been organized to protest against the removal
of a couple from the Independence Square in Colombo today(6).
A video of the incident, which was widely shared on social media,
shows two security officers attempting to evict the said couple, stating
that they are ordered to do so by the Cultural Affairs Department.
According to the video, the couple demands to know the wrongdoing
they committed, to which the security officers were unable to answer
coherently. Mirshad Buckman, who shared the video online said in a
Facebook post that he and his girlfriend were “just sitting and chilling
at Independence Square” when they were asked to leave. A social media
movement has started under the slogan ‘Occupy the Square’ requesting
people to gather at the Independence Square today at 4.00pm in protest
of this seemingly unlawful eviction.
Police Media Spokesperson ASP Ruwan Gunasekara said, the matter is
open for dispute as there isn’t any evidence as to how the couple
behaved before they were asked to leave by the security officers. The
administrative bodies of public locations such as the Independence
Square can establish regulations which people should adhere to, but
those said administrative bodies should take actions to display those
regulations clearly so as not to cause any inconveniences.
The constitution does not penalize public display of affection, even
though Section 365A of the Penal Code states that “acts of gross
indecency” is a crime, an interpretation that includes homosexuality.
However, Section 7 of Vagrants Ordinance states that “soliciting and
acts of indecency in public places” is a punishable offence though
public indecency is not defined. |