Sengavunu Mitiyavatha on March 11
Nirmal Rajapaksha will launch his latest movie titled Sengavunu
Mitiyavatha (hidden meadow) at the National Film Corporation at 10.00
a.m. on March 11.
Dubbed as a Sci-Fi movie, Sengavunu Mitiyavatha follows his work on
Pitasakwala Abhirahasa (The Mystery of ET), extraterrestrials reaching
out to humanity. Director Rajapaksha took an early interest in the
challenging task of making 3-D animation films with his work on
Pitasakwala Abhirahasa with the aid of studies at the Arthur C Clarke
Foundation, and the Universities of Moratuwa, Kelaniya and Colombo.
Sengavunu Mitiyavatha is also Rajapaksha's attempt at introducing
economical and revolutionary methods in creating local films by applying
digital animation and computer-aided visuals in film direction.
Sengavunu Mitiyavatha is co-produced by Madhawa Marasinghe and is a
production of Motion Cinema Film Team. |