Sunday, 7 April 2002  
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How Murali is a victim of big power spin-doctors

by Nigel Kerner

The great irony of it all is that the white Occidentals who regard themselves superior to all other Genotypes of man may be emotionally and spiritually the most primitive and are late comers to technology in terms of the history of mankind. The black, brown, yellow and other sepia tones all had it well before them.

It is the turn of the white Caucasian to develop a long discredited path. There is no doubt that white Caucasians are the most combative the most greedy killer mentalities the planet has ever seen in the last five thousand years. Colonialism, slavery, genocide. No one has done it so cruelly and so ruthlessly as this form of mankind 7,231 wars and skirmishes started by Occidental Caucasoids in the last two thousand years. They are doing it now, with a vengeance, going further down the technology path that their off white predecessors had gone down to kill and maim.

All other groups of mankind, including the Oriental, had developed this same technology thousands of years previously, found it led to a hell of go-nowhere entopic materiality, stopped in their tracks and went beyond it for answers, and found religion. They went beyond the atom still using the tracks of the rational and were led in deeper and deeper focus to the answers in the grand philosophies of the great sages.

They listened to the teachings of the great religious Masters like Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohamed, the Prophets of Old Israel and others, that true joy, fulfilment and eternal life lay beyond the realm's force and thus the atom and materiality. They stopped their headlong rush to destruction - to doom and the killing of the soul and became the great 'underdeveloped', 'undeveloped', 'developing', call it what you will, 'Third World'.

It is worth remembering that the southern Chinese had gunpowder for many centuries before the white man found it there. They used it for peaceful purposes and developed no guns or bombs to use it. It took just a few years for the whites to use it to kill in war.

The world now heads not Armageddon, singing an ostensibly worthy song of fighting terrorism and no one seems to be able to do anything about it. So how does Muttiah Muralitheran, a little south Asian cricket playing Tamil man, come into all this historically grand planetary larceny and hegemony. Please bear with me and I will tell you.

Not long ago the British had a wonderful little imperious game of cricket called Gentlemen vs players, going. It was the good old quaint 'Brits' way of showing their roly poly little discriminatory hearts in the way they arranged their social lives. The British with their German and Scandinavian kith and kin have been, and still covertly are, the world's most deadly racists.

Eugenics is the name of the game they love playing most .

Most white Caucasians you will find in the street will immediately judge worth as an axiomatic stance of the eye. Any off-white member of the human race, is instantly dismissed the moment they meet one. The most racist societies in the world are Germany, the USA, South Africa, Australia and Great Britain. We all know about the Germans and their 'Nazi' arrowhead. The Untied States with its Negro slavery and genocide' of the native Indian people. The South Africans and their evil 'Apartheid' system. The Australians and their terrifying genocide of the Aborigine people, and their 'white Australian policy'.

But Great Britain, the land of all my mother's ancestors and, with Germany, quite a few of my father's too, is not immediately associated with the kinds of racism the others are known for. Yet Britain (with its German Saxon root) can be seen to be the fire bed of white-against-non-white racism. They are just better at hiding the fact. But even that mask has been slipping lately. Their racially motivated football fans have seen to that all over the footballing world. They are master spin doctors of touting what is decent, nice, and fair. Better than anything Goebbels ever came up with.

The word 'gentleman' is synonymous with the English, yet these so called 'gentlemen' are now known the world over, by their own admission, for their institutional racism particularly in their Police forces and their administrative and business structures. Just take a look at how many non-whites are the head of anything in Britain, when measured per capita of population.

Out of them has now risen a cartel of white men, businessmen and ex-cricketers led by an ex-South African captain, whose avowed aim is to see that the white cricketing nations of the world are kept at the top of the world game. It is all part of maintaining the Anglo Saxon myth of racial superiority. It is when seen and set against the trivial that what is important is best measured. Not that cricket is unimportant. It however serves to illustrate how important the view through racially tinted spectacles is becoming in the affairs of men.

Most of the money for the corruption of cricketers comes from England, Australia and South Africa and not the Indian sub-continent, as is commonly assumed. It all began with the Australians pointing accusing fingers at the Pakistani cricketers, till it was proved that the Australian and South African players were the biggest takers of bribes, in the history of the game. Their rewards for this includes the raising of one of the players, after conviction, to the captaincy. Such is the humbug. Such is the hypocrisy.

They are now poised to begin a campaign against the Sri Lankan spinner Muttiah Muralitheran for his bowling action. Vindicated by the world body governing cricket, the ICC and the vast majority of international umpires in the world as a legitimate action, this bowler's stupendous success has been too much for the racists to cope with.

The campaign has indeed already begun and with a cartel of subsidised 'Uncle Toms' and local sub-continental cricketers in their fiscal pockets, they have already begun to vilify the bowler. They will find support from covert racist chauvinists, in the bowler's own country, and under these flags will bring on a wave of accusations that are designed to destabilise the country's marvellous cricket achievements. Watch this space up to the World Cup.

Racism is the name of the game. All games nowadays. Be it war or peace. Sport is now a substitute for war, as never before. The national Secret Services of countries now collude in ensuring, through sport, their nation's eminence and status in the world. Sports prominence as an international verification of a nation's assessment of itself is now so great, that 'spin' with a ball, or with a mouth, or written word, sets the value and the size of any ethnic or racial margin.

Nothing Muralitheran does with his hand formed spin wizardry will equate to the value of spin to be derived in other ways. The collective insecurities of nations and their people are alas the new margin for setting any standards of any effort. The word 'sportsmanship' has no meaning anymore. The phrase 'national vanity' has supplanted its once wonderful significance as envisaged in the Olympic ideal: to win or lose is nothing; it is to take part - that is everything. Seen another way - to be part of this race or that race is nothing. It's being human that is everything. Try and convince the gathering 'reptiles' amongst us of this. They will turn the other way.

There are graves in Bosnia, Serbia and Macedonia and Afghanistan that stand firm testament to that. They were only dug recently if you remember.

The warning is clear to us all. When we think of our race, ethnic group, caste or creed, how many of us have hands that can't or wont grip a gun or a shovel. It's a choice for monkeys and men.

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