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Sunday, 14 July 2002  
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Into the field of External Affairs


The arrival of an Indian External Affairs Minister, however short the stay may be, is of great importance and is perceived so even by those segments of society that may not be close to the power centres and that coterie known to be the policy makers, quite apart from those who wield political power. The fact that Shri Yashwant Sinha considered it a priority to touch down within a fortnight of his appointment consequent to the recent Cabinet reshuffle has led to the ritual speculations. These speculations may be outside the realm of reality but that there is speculation is very real.

His name could be a brain teaser because of its approximation to that of the Finance Minister with whom he exchanged places but it is not the name but the fact that his visit precedes that of Pakistan's President due in a fortnight that gives the timing of the Indian Minister's visit an added significance, however speculative that may be. The visit is no doubt to strengthen ties with neighbours and this is underlined by the fact that the tour covered not only Sri Lanka but the Maldives - favoured by precedence this time round. Enhanced economic interaction takes priority alongside good neighbourliness especially in the wake of the inception of India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement with the supply of wheat already in operation. Our economy we are told is being resurrected from the dumps and a tip or two from one who has just left the treasury bench would be opportune.

Despite our poor performance the region has maintained an average growth rate of above 5.5 per cent over the past two decades and the Minister's visit aims at consolidating those strong economic links to catalyse growth and development in the region.

Mr. Sinha's long years as an administrator in Finance and Commerce decided the issue when a Cabinet portfolio was considered and his stint in Bonn and Frankfurt as a diplomat brings him on to another familiar turf then, as External Affairs Minister. Twice Finance Minister it is not surprising that economic interests have now been prioritised in Indian diplomacy.

Mr. Singha's record as a successful parliamentarian was manifest when he increased his margin of votes. Securing the largest number of votes ever in his constituency is ample testimony of the great acceptance with which he served every segment of his constituency. His academic achievements and a short stint as a Don in Political Science at Patna University where he read for a Master's and gained a First Class would have prepared him for a political career honing those aptitudes so necessary to empathise with his people.

Mr. Sinha took over the Finance Ministry at a time when economic reforms initiated in the early 1990s presented unprecedented challenges in the preliminary stages. It is now acknowledged that it was his farsightedness, hard work and courage to resist populist pressures that brought about a salutary change reducing inflation levels to an all time low. External debt was reduced to significant levels enthroning India in that 'less indebted countries' category.

Despite global recession India earned the distinction of the 'World's New Growth Cushion' by the IMF during the stewardship of Mr. Sinha at the Finance Ministry. Known internationally for advocating the cause of poverty eradication, universalisation of education, health for all and freer world trade Mr. Sinha has now taken up External Affairs against the backdrop of a new geo-political reality of the post 9/11 world. Closer home, the region is alert to the serious tension that prevails in Indo-Pak relations. A wide range of interests including reading, gardening, travelling and listening to music will surely fashion his innings as Mr. Sinha steps out into the field of External Affairs.


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