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Sunday, 8 December 2002  
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Discipline is an essential ingredient for everyone

by Neville Perera, Assistant Medical Practitioner

Many of today's homes are experiencing heartaches because of an absence of discipline. Some parents feel that it shows a lack of love when a child's request is turned down or when misconduct is punished. To be sure, a negative reply is unpopular and young people are often displeased when a father or mother is strict. But the fact remains that true love demands discipline.

Discipline is a tough business that must be done and done consistently. Parents must show love even when they are firm. They must encourage, not discourage. They must build up, not break up.

Children are self-determined individuals. The best way to get them to obey voluntarily is by exerting a positive influence upon their lives. Child rearing is a demanding task but one thing is sure; parents who strengthen their pull have a greater chance of success than parents who always push.

To win the hearts of our children, we must set for them a consistent example of love, advice and discipline. This stands a greater chance of directing their actions than harsh demands that ignite the flames of anger.

Parents care enough for your children to discipline them! And, children don't resent your parents correction when you do wrong. Remember, it proves they really love you. Discipline does not break a child's spirit as often as the lack of it breaks a parent's heart.

Good parents must avoid that danger of becoming bad 'sparents'. 'Sparents' are those that 'spare the rod'. If you find that your child going down the wrong track, it is because you didn't 'switch' him soon enough. Every parent faces the challenge of answering the question, "How much freedom shall I give my child?"

Maintaining a proper balance between too much and too little requires wisdom and discernment. A youngster may feel deprived and rebellious if he is too restricted.

If the children are brought up on a diet of no responsibility, uncensored TV and do as you do policy, they are heading for trouble. Only those young people whose parents have provided firm, loving discipline will be able to face the problems of the day.

Discipline is an essential ingredient promoting moral and spiritual growth. Every religion teaches this It is because that parents love their children that they punish them when they disobey. Little children need a spanking now and then.

Not all children of good parents become useful citizens, nor do all the offspring of wicked people turn out bad.

Yet the possibility of a child getting the right start in life is enhanced if he comes from a home where love prevails and religion practised.

Father, mother, parental example is extremely powerful. The best safeguard for the younger generation is a good example by the older generation. Train your child in the way he should go, but be sure you yourself go in the same direction!



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