SUNDAY OBSERVER Sunday Observer - Magazine
Sunday, 8 December 2002  
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A Secret desire
to be a pilot

Back home for a holiday after a heavy schedule of gigs at the Horse Shoe nightclub at the Quality Inn Hotel, Dubai, the dynamic bassist leader of Aquarius, Benjy Ranabahu is happy with the performance of all his members of the band and is proud of their musicianship and co-operation. Aquarius was scheduled to leave Sri Lanka on December 5, for another contract at Horse Shoe and we managed to shoot these questions at Benjy.

Back home for a holiday after a heavy schedule of gigs at the Horse Shoe nightclub at the Quality Inn Hotel, Dubai, the dynamic bassist leader of Aquarius, Benjy Ranabahu is happy with the performance of all his members of the band and is proud of their musicianship and co-operation. Aquarius was scheduled to leave Sri Lanka on December 5, for another contract at Horse Shoe and we managed to shoot these questions at Benjy.

Name: Anthony Benjamin Ranabahu
Fav colour: Green.

Trendy outfits: Always something in vogue. I prefer casual clothes, but for occasions that require you to be well dressed, it's designer outfits that are in vogue.

Fav music: As a band leader it is difficult to have your favourite music, because you have to play a wide repertoire, but I think my personal choice is funk, rock and jazz.

Fav song of '80s/'90s: That's interesting. From the '80s it was Level 42 and their hit 'Love Games', while from the '90s it's Bon Jovi's 'Bed of Roses'.

Embarrassing moments: As a musician there are hardly any moments when we play live. But there are times when we have to rely on sequences for some of the songs and whensomething goes wrong, it's most embarrassing.

Qualities you like in a girl: She should be of a calm nature, loving and understanding.

How much of a party guy are you: There used to be a time in my life when partying was exciting but now not much. When you are playing daily in a night club, I like to do something different on my off day.

How do you reject advances from girls: You can't reject them. Nor can you avoid it especially when you are centre stage. You have to be diplomatic in these things.

Are you superstitious: No. I have a firm religious foundation. I believe in God and that helps me.

Do you still treasure your childhood toys: I never went for toys but what I selfishly treasure are my college soccer jersey, boots and all the newspaper cuttings about our team. I was the Vice Captain and the goalie for the St. Benedict's College soccer team and we won the All Island Soccer Champions title. I injured my finger playing soccer. It was a fracture and it now helps me in my bass playing! The team keeps in touch whenever I'm in Sri Lanka and we go back and play veteran soccer! It's fun.

What's your pet hate: Come to think of it, I don't have any pet hate. I'm a kind of a easy going guy. What makes you happy in life: If I've done a good job musically well that makes me happy. I enjoy meeting up with musicians and look forward to their company.

How many rude thoughts you have in a day: I'm a calm kind of person, so rude thoughts don't feature in my life.

Where would you like to be most now: In Sri Lanka. Wherever we go we are doing a job and have to work within many constraints. Here we are free.

What other profession would you like to be in: A pilot. My father wanted me to be a pilot and see the world. But somehow music took over. Given another chance I may become a pilot.

What's your meaning of life: To do the right thing to others. Also as a musician if you have a problem on stage you can't show that off. You have to make another person happy and that in turn makes me happy.

What would you do if you ruled the world: Ensure there's peace. Everybody wants it today. Fav food: Chinese and rice and curry Sri Lankan style. All our band members they have to eat rice, and curry if, they have to play the whole night through!

What do you think life would be like in the year 3000: It will I think be fast travel for all of us. With the advance of technology we will be travelling in fast cars equipped with many interesting gadgets.

Which product you like most to endorse: Clothes for men. French designed ones.

Your ideal holiday destination: The Carribean Islands.

Your comment on rap music: Although we play it in the band, I'm not an ardent fan of rap.

Which character would you like to play in a film: A stunt man. It's exciting racing in motor cars, jumping from heights and through fires etc...

Who do you admire: Bill Clinton and his charisma. His personality, his style as a leader, his life and its ups and downs... he's to be admired.



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