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Sunday, 8 December 2002  
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Starscope With Gamini Dissanayake

Planets in Signs and Nakshatras for the week (Sunday Dec 08th 06:00-Sunday Dec 15th 06:00) Coordinated for the City of Colombo, 79E51, 6N56. Timezone: + 6 hours from GMT [incl 30 minutes DST].

Ayanamsa /Precession: Chitrapaksa/Lahiri: - 23:53:36.

The Sun in Scorpio 21:48-28:55 on Jyesta/Deta.

The Moon in Capricorn 09:29 on UttaraAshada/Uttrasala. To Shravana/Suvana today @ 06:56.

Dhanista/Denata Monday @ 07:31. Aquarius @ 20:06. Shatabishak/Siyawasa Tuesday @ 08:51. PoorvaBhdarapada/Puvaputupa Wednesday @ 10:51. Pisces Thursday @ 06:43.

UttaraBhadrapada/Uttraputupa @ 13:24. Revati Friday @16:18. Aries and Ashvini/Asvida Saturday @ 19:20

On PushKara Navamsa/PN: Today 13:01-19:08. Wednesday 04:18-10:51 and 17:36-Thursday 00:04. Thursday 20:05-Friday 02:49. Mrityu Bhaga/MB Monday 10:38-12:31, Tuesday 05:38-07:33, Friday 06:51-08:54 Gandantha Navamsa/GD: Saturday 12:35- Sunday 02:07, Mars in Libra 10:13-14:43 on Swati/Sa, MB: Saturday 03:02-Sunday 16:20.

Mercury in -Sagittarius 04:48-15:22, Moola to PoorvaAshda/Puvasala on Friday @ 21:03, Jupiter in Cancer 24:11-24:01R on Aslisha, Retrograde/R Dec 4 @ 17:45- Apr 4, 03 @ 09:11, Venus in Libra 11:10-15:36 on Swati/Sa, Venus is Moola Trikona up to 15:00 here, Saturn in Gemini 02:30-01:55 R on Mrigashirsha/Muvasirisa.

Note: Saturn Retrograde Oct 11th 2002, 18:11- Feb 22, 2003 @ 14:05 Re-enters Taurus Jan 8 @14:25 and Gemini Apr 7 @20:41, Rahu in Taurus 14:24-14:02 R [Mean] on Rohini/Rehena.

Note: Rahu on PN thru to 13:56 on Dec 28, Ketu in Scorpio 14:24-14:02 R [Mean] on Anuradha.

Note: According to some authors Rahu and Ketu are exalted up to 20 degrees in Taurus and Scorpio respectively. The Nodes on exalted degrees thru to 2003 Sep 6th 04:19h.

The Periods of Rahu for day and night
Sun: 05:20-06:49pm/04:44-6:13am
Mon: 08:11-09:40am /07:55-09:24pm
Tue: 03:41-05:10pm/03:25-04:54am
Wed: 12:41-02:10pm/12:26-01:55am
Thu: 02:11-03:40pm/01:56-03:25am
Fri: 11:13-12:42am/10:56pm-12:25am
Sat: 09:43-11:12am/09:27-10:56pm
Forcast for lagna/ascendant


Five planets [except Moon] are on travel houses [and the Moon too gets to the 12th house on Thursday 06:43 which is excellent for pilgrimages.] The week begins with the Moon on your 10th house.

Aries persons have a special Saturn/Moon connection to the 10th house Capricorn ruled by Saturn. Here the Moon gives clarity to goals and aspirations, practicality, stability, nurturing and also prosperity to mother.

Tuesday and Wednesday give more power in the outer world and nice for $$$. Note however that the Sun is afflicted in the 8th house and we discussed this and other yogas last week in some detail.

Mars/Venus yoga gets obstructed on Saturday when Mars goes on MB. The Sun is on Scorpio MB around Wednesday [your health and obstructions to kids and fortune]. More care needed on Saturday as the Moon will be on GD/Gandantha Saturday 12:35-Sunday 02:07. Be very mindful when traveling on Saturday as the Moon represents vehicles and house and property.


The week begins with you in an expansive, charitable mood , keen to expand your higher knowledge. But relationship with father or his well being and fortune can be obstructed in the first half of the week. The Sun who represents both parents is still badly afflicted. Six planets are ready to arrange travel even long ones.

The second half of the week urges you to be very careful with financial deals. Try to be aboveboard and preserve your integrity, and be mindful not to run into debts. Be very cool with partners. Avoid tensions/confrontations at all costs especially in the weekend. Mercury/Saturn axis is capable of a sudden/unexpected gain if they are involved in current Dashas in your charts.


Mercury Saturn axis and Mars/Venus on the 5th house [plus Jupiter in 2nd house of course] can be very nice for $$$ provided there is support from Dashas unfolding now in your natal charts. Mercury and Saturn connection is a very mild form of a Lakshmi Yoga, unlike for example, in Bill Gates chart who had Saturn and Venus on the 5th house of Libra [9th lord exalted and 5th lord in her own house.

They are also his Atma Karaka and Amatya Karaka planets , and sitting close to Bhava Madya or Mid Points to give optimum results!] A strongly placed Mars in your chart is excellent for good health, and strong mental focus and a winning attitude but watch him in the weekend on MB. He can cause miscarriage, troubles with children, stress thru romance and passion, losses in investment/speculation.


Determination to achieve or succeed in the outer world is blessed both by Mercury and Jupiter I said last week. They can also give travel.

Venus and Mars very nice for fortune and $$$ again blessed by Jupiter from Lagna. Two Vipareetha Raja Yogas [unexpected status or gain] are caused by Mercury and Saturn [12th lord in 6 and 8L in 12] The downside of Mercury/Saturn axis along 6/12 houses also needs watching.

They could also spur you to do things [aggressive] which are not in your best interest and cause debts, fines, penalties etc. On Saturday Mars goes on MB and be very cool and diplomatic on the work place and in your public life. Tuesday and Wednesday the ruler Moon gets stuck in the frustrating 8th house. Thursday and Friday best with Moon and Jupiter exchanging 1/9 houses.


Retrograde 5th lord Jupiter effective from the 11th house connects with 9th and 10th lords Mars and Venus on the 3rd house. For those running Supportive Dashas this could be a significant period of fortune, fame and fulfillment.

Success in education/upgrading skills, expanding assets. This also could be a period that sets you up for a significant fortunate period beginning next year when Mars and Venus go to the 4th house and connect with Jupiter again. Jupiter is heading for your Lagna on July 30, 2003. So the fortune is clearly indicated unless you are running extremely bad dashas, Saturn Return or you blow the good things yourself. Even then Jupiter in Lagna is the Divine protection.


The week begins gracefully with Moon on the 5th house generously supporting your creativity and intuition and glory thru externalizing in the form of artistic or academic work. Mercury connects with both R Saturn and R Jupiter and this is excellent for prestige on the work place and academic pursuits. Very high regard in the outer world.

Earnings thru foreign sources continue. Watch the weekend. Mars can make you say things not very politically correct and also dent intimate or business partnerships. When traveling be more mindful Friday evening and Saturday afternoon thru to Sunday sunrise. The Moon also gets to the stressful 8th house on Saturday @ 19:20.


Well placed Saturn and Mercury in your birth charts can give significant material and spiritual prosperity if associated with current Dashas.

This period can unfold well thru to end of March next year in the first phase. This week can give much movement and some long travel too. A week that helps you shine wellon the work place, succeed well in academic/intellectual/creative work. Slow down on Saturday. And be more mindful about partnerships both business and intimate. Think well before using words [note the Sun also is still weak] look after knees, eyes and face.


Approximately 15 days every month are great for your fortune, luck and grace, power and public life. [Supported by other energies in your natal charts, of course] The first 10 days are when Jupiter and Moon [your 5/9 lords] connect and the next 5 days when the Sun and Moon [your 9/10 lords] connect.

Your Sun although in your Lagna is still weak after eclipse, on RKA and MB's. Tuesday and Wednesday he will be on your Lagna MB and close to Pluto who is also on Lagna MB. In Mundane terms these are explosive situations, which can also get us closer to End Times.

In your case be cool in your work place for another week. By the end of next week the Sun will have passed the GD and will be connecting with a retrograde Jupiter to make you shine again. This Thursday thru to Saturday sunset the Jupiter and the Moon connect well. Note Moon's MB and GD though.


Mercury now strong having passed GD connects with ruler Jupiter R to help give you mates if you are seeking [strongly supported by Venus and Mars from the 11th house, long travel, and prestige in public life and thru job performance. Those looking forward to kids or child birth will also be blessed in the next 3 months. Same goes for inflow of $$$ and gets better after Dec 15.

This connection also is nice for shine in career and public life and is excellent with Saturn involved. Seven planets are on the houses of travel. After 15th some Sagittarians will be very lucky. With 9/10 rulers on the Lagna seen by Jupiter. Rise in career, fortunate travel, relationships etc.


If you are all set to seek a fortune overseas now you can start packing your bags. If your scene is travel to meet with spiritual teachers/gurus to help evolve your soul, this too is an excellent time. With Yoga Karaka planets heading towards Lagna, a fruitful period is now in motion.

Wealth and romance are all good . Career rolls well, and a change is not indicated strongly until February. As for a still weak Sun, your health, father's well being, problems with authorities etc written last week will be especially valid for the next.


Mercury /Jupiter connection [see other signs] along 5/11 axis is excellent for wealth, abundance, fulfillment and also for those seeking child birth/conception. With a powerful DharmaKarma still rolling on the 9th house all good things said in the last 2 columns are still very good and better. Watch Mars on MB Saturday thru to Sunday 16:20.

There could be problems while traveling, can also obstruct career. Next week the Sun gets stronger when he goes to your 11th house and connects with 5th lord Mercury and 11th lord Jupiter who will be retro for the next 4 months. In Sagittarius [a house connected to the royalty] power and shine in public life gets well illuminated. There will be romance and heart connections, marriage and child birth for the seeking, wealth and fortune.


Mercury and ruler Jupiter [now retrograde] connect to raise you up nicely in your career and public life. Next week the Sun joins them, and the trio can elevate you to dizzy heights if other energies in natal charts are supportive.

The Sun can now help you perform cleanly with strong motivation, and to highest standards in public life and on the work place. Like I said last week, ruler Jupiter going R/Retrograde for the next 4 months is win/win because he straddles 4/5 houses and connects with Saturn. Be very sensitive to the emotional needs of partner this weekend.



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