SUNDAY OBSERVER Sunday Observer - Magazine
Sunday, 11 April 2004  
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Country on a forward march

What they say.....

The April 2, 2004 General Election has installed a new government with the United People's Freedom Alliance being elected by the people to take the country forward. Sunday Observer spoke to the people living far away in the outskirts the city. They included religious and social leaders, farmers, laymen, women and youth. Most of them said that it was too early to comment and some were very indifferent.

Ven. Pothane Dhammananda Thera, Incumbent Bhikku of the Purvarama Viharaya Anuradhapura, a committee member of the Sri Lanka Ramannya Maha Nikaya, president of the District Sasanarakshaka Balamandalaya and former lecturer at the Buddha Shravaka Dhammapeetaya: The United People's Freedom Alliance Government is one on which we could place our hopes and aspirations.

Members in the past governments were looking for positions and their glory. From what we read and hear from the media, we do not see any anxiety. We know becoming ministers were the priority of the politicians. It was their profession and means of living. At least for now we do not see that in the Freedom Alliance. Members like Wimal Weerawansa have not accepted political positions. They have not shown greediness to grab ministerial positions. They have shown high ideals. In a way they are paying back to the country what the country has lost because of their previous actions. There is a phrase in Buddhism "Ayatha Sanwaraya". It means one accepts one's mistakes, wrong doings and thus there is discipline. Buddha saw it as the best discipline one should cultivate in one's life.

We are happy to see a man of calibre and integrity of Mahinda Rajapakse becoming Prime Minister of this country. He is a visionary and man who could do a lot to this country. We hope that he will do all he could to make this country, a place for all to live in peace and unity.

Ven. Ihalagama Pawarakiththi Thera of Kuttampokuna Viharaya, Anuradhapura: People rejected UNF at the general election, because they felt that the UNF government was moving towards the division of the country under the cover of Peace. If the UNF was genuine in bringing back peace to the country, how was it that the people living in Seruwila, Horovpathana and Medawachchiya rejected them in the polls? This means the people living at the border-villagers have not benefited from the UNF plan of work to bring about Peace. The people realized that UNF under the cover of peace leading the country towards division and giving the Tamils, The Eelam slowly without the people realizing it.

The people in one voice have rejected the UNF for their failure in bringing down the cost of living, failure in providing sufficient jobs to meet the escalating unemployment problem and also having sensed the steps being taken to destroy the much valued Sri Lanka history and culture.

They also realised that the UNF government was selling all the treasures we have, land and forest to foreigners. Added to that the other factor was rampant corruption swept through the government administrative bodies and the government showing a blind eye. There was waste nobody cared or bothered. The UNF was living in ivory towers and never come down. They have no feelings for the poor. They give amnesty to the rich and neglect the poor. This is why they lost.

The youth of the day have a following in the JVP action than in their policies. They see that the JVP members put their resources together and set up computer study centres for youth. They have shown in action what they really mean. This attracts the youth. The JVP is building up confidence in the people. But we must also be cautious.


Ven. Medirigiriye Dhammapala Thera, the incumbent Bikkhu of Sri Namamu Purana Viharaya, Diyature, Melsiripura: This government may not last long. Because the Opposition consists of more members than the governing party. I do not see this as a real win. Freedom Alliance is composed of JVP and several other parties. It is because of the JVP, which has more power and not the old, SLFP or the People's Alliance. That is why I fear to think that the Freedom Alliance government will not last long. But we need not pessimistic.

If the combinations of these parties put their resources together and work in unity in diversity, there is hope they will move forward despite lack of numbers. If they bound by good intensions to work for the country shedding away their divergent political agendas, no doubt they could do well. But in politics we cannot expect the noble ideas to take priority. In the past we have not seen politicians working for the country putting away their political agendas. Each one fights against the other to come to the top.

The UNF government lost at the last election because they catered only to a selected section of this society. They showed a blind eye to the problem of others. They were not considered important. The previous government turned a deaf ear to the numerous requests of vital importance. That was the reason for their defeat. No one will agree with the idea of dividing the country.

To be fair by the UNF we must say, they also did not entertain the idea of dividing the country. But we must accept that while rejecting the idea of dividing the country that the Tamils and other small communities have a right to live in this country. So what we expect this government is to arrive at a solution acceptable to all communities.

The UNF has done the groundwork for Peace and the duty of this UPFA is to continue from where the UNF stopped. The problem arises if the LTTE refused to accept the work plan. We must also remember that the then PA was instrumental in getting the LTTE to the negotiating table. Hence the government of the Freedom Alliance should be in a position to win the confidence of the LTTE and talk to them. The only problem is whether the nine political parties in the Freedom Alliance in a position to agree among them on the solution, the government proposes.

Rev. Fr. Anthony H. Pinto SDB, Director - Don Bosco Youth Centre an Parish Priest, St. Sebastian's Church, Nochchiyagama: We are leaders in society by our very vocation. We should be conscientious and should not get involved in party politics. We should help the people and lead them in the right path.

Whatever the government comes into power, we should welcome and as long as they help people in everything they do, we as religious leaders will bless them and their work. For any government to be a success they should have the common touch. The fact that the people rejected the UNF will manifest this.

They definitely lost the sight of the common man and they concentrated on people living in the higher plain of the social ladder. They forgot that the poor lived on day-to-day earnings while the well to do had a program. There was no equal treatment. While poor suffered, the rich had the best. So the end result was the rejection by the people. This can happen to any party in power.

Of course, I am of the view that the combination of different political parties in the Freedom Alliance will be conscious of this fact and that they will not betray the people who had suffered immensely. Our request is give to all in equal measure treat all alike and do not forget the people living in the rural areas with no facilities the people living in the cities enjoy.


Mr. Valentine Muhandiram - Kurunegala: Actually speaking I am very happy about the victory of the Freedom Alliance. Because I think the Sri Lanka Freedom Party will be able to do some constructive work with the resourcefulness of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna. I am sure for the first time the JVP are in the Administrative, political machinery.

The other fact is I consider the victory as the second phase of the 1956 MEP victory was led by late Prime Minister S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike. His victory made it possible to bring about benefits to the majority of the common people of Sri Lanka. His victory was undoubtedly a revolution for the benefit of the poor and the marginalized. In a similar manner the present Freedom Alliance has all the salient points capable of bringing about a complete up-liftment of the social order.

Of course to realize the goals set by the Freedom Alliance they have to follow some strategy of the task ahead of them.

1. There should be no room for corruption or abuse of power, going above the laws of the land.

2. They should mobilise all the resourcefulness to dawn another "Parakum Era" in the country.

3. They should take some immediate steps to bring down the Cost of Living and to make the Education system, Health service and Administrative machinery more beneficial and efficient for the sake of the general public.

4. Definitely they should try to bring to book those responsible for corruption. This should be done without bitterness and revengefulness, but only according to the judiciary process.

5. They also should work out a new strategy to solve the ethnic problem.

6. Steps should be taken to bring about economic redress to the poor and the marginalized in society and in the field of agriculture. They should give prominence to local industry.

People have given them a mandate and it is their duty to be faithful to their manifestos and promises they made. I hope they will not deviate from their manifestos and I think their aspirations.


Buddhika Premadasa, President Eksath Welenda Sangamya, Anuradhapura: People of this country elected United National Front with lots of hope and they were shattered. Because they failed to fulfil the hopes and aspiration of the masses, the UNF was rejected. The people expected the UNF to bring down the cost of living, provide more employment opportunities to the unemployed, educated and non-educated youth. Price of everything go up everyday, oil and gas price keep on going up. The UNF never gave an ear to the grievances of the common man. They had no solution to their problems. There was none to listen to their pleas. The UNF took decision on their own without reference to the people who elected them. This is why they were rejected.

If you go back to the 50s and 60s governments at the time created People's Bank, Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation and a whole lot of other institution to help the "small man". But when the UNF came into power and started giving our valuable institutions one by one to foreigners, workers in these institutions feared of their future employment.

There was safety to their jobs. When government run institution make profits they go to the Central Bank. One cannot expect it when the profit making institutions are given to the private sector. Today the SLRC is one man's hand. The banks also would have gone to the private sector if not for the intense protest by the employees and trade unions in these respective fields.

The UNF catered only to a selected lot. People in this part of the country expected the government to give them fertilizer at a reasonable price. They expected a good price to what they produce. They expected good roads and better transport facilities. All these became daydreams.

We are living in close proximity to North longed for Peace. But the UNF did not work towards achieving that peace. What they did was to bring about "decorated peace". It was not real peace but an artificial one.

The present Freedom Alliance government has a very responsible task ahead. We believe that the present government will take up this challenge. Not because of the PA, but we trust the JVP more. The JVP has shown what they could do. They have saved their money and put up a Computer Centre in Anuradhapura for the use of the youth. We have confidence in them. We can do business if our customers have sufficient money. If they are economically well, we can do business - "Customers are our gods". Steps should be taken to improve their economic standard.

Samson Jayasinghe JP, Professional Social Worker, National Secretary, Sama Sevaya, Thalawa: It is my belief that the UNF government gave much attention to Peace forgetting other vital areas of social life and society. Peace is a must. There is no dispute about that. But you cannot overlook or neglect other duties by the people. The UNF gave little attention to development. This is one of the reasons for their defeat.

Freedom Alliance on the other hand had a constant dialogue with the people with issue very near and dear to them. They touched the hearts of the ordinary man by taking to him on his terms and giving priority to his essential needs. They in a very subtle put into the minds of the people the dangers coupled with the UNF peace proposal. There was a tendency of the people to believe what the Freedom Alliance said as they had not enjoyed the benefits of peace the UNF spoke of endlessly.

The Freedom Alliance showed the people the dangerous outcome of the peace package. They showed the international recognition of the peace proposal and how dangerous it was to the country in the long run. The people feared the outcome the Freedom Alliance portrayed if the UNF was put back on power.

Ms. Kumari - Mahawewa: I come from a very strong UNP family. All these years I cast my vote for the UNP. But this time I wanted a change. It is with great expectations I cast my vote for the Freedom Alliance. I trust the promises made by the JVP. It was their policy made me cast my vote for the UPFA.

When I cast my vote for UPFA, I had my child's future in my mind. We do everything for them. My child worried me to cast my vote for UPFA and I hope the government will keep to its promises, which have touched the heart of my son, and his future is my concern.

P. D. Jayasundara Kurunegala: I think this change of government is good. I am a very poor man today. But I was a very successful vendor before the UNF came into power. All my business collapsed and I was deprived of doing my right to have small place on the pavement. I was chased away. But with the change of the government I have come back with the hope that Freedom Alliance will help people like me to stand on our own.

Wijesundara - Melsiripura: I am not really interested in talking about government. I live with what I earn without having to go to any politician. My children and I live very independently. I have given my children good education and they live without being a burden to anyone.

Kumbukkkete K. Rohana Thilakasiri (22), carpenter by profession: I as a young man welcome the change of government. I think it is a good government. I hope they will now help the farmers and youth and entrepreneurs like me to have a better life. We trust in the youth representing us in Parliament that the old SLFP or the PA. We want them to work to makes the lives our people better.

E. M. L. Ekanayake, Kumbukkete: We hope that the present government will keep the promises they made from the political platform. We hope they will bring down the cost of living, bring down the fertilizer price. I like this government because the JVP is in it. They seem to be a clean lot in politics. Anyway taste of the pudding is in the eating of it. We trust JVP not allow to repeat the mistake of the past.

Ms. Chandrani - Kumbukkete: People were desperately looking for a change. I like the change of government and trust the government will help poor people like us to have a piece of land for ourselves to live without becoming a burden to others. UNF did not fulfil their promises. Hope Freedom Alliance will not do that.

Chintaka Priyalal Kulasuriya - President, St. Benedict's Youth Club, Galgamuwa Town: Youth of this country trust that the Freedom Alliance will work for the good of the country and also to help unemployed youth. We trust in the JVP action than their talks. We have more faith in them than the SLFP of the past.

Peace under the UNF was a sort of an exhibition than a reality. The JVP today has shown keen interest in finding a solution to the ethnic problem. They want to talk to the LTTE and want India to take a responsible role in bringing back peace to this country.

W. Beauty Krishanthi, a member of the same Youth Club said the JVP today is a new group and consists of youth. They are educated and able to understand issues. What we know is the politicians keep on blaming others. But we hope the JVP now in administration will stop blaming others and will do something constructive.

When we went to Jaffna we met young people of our age. They want peace. Many of them were children of war and they hate war. There is no majority to this government or to any political party for that matter. By this the people ask all politicians interested in the future of this land to join hands.

Wilmot Silva, Kadadekawatta, Walaswewa: We were longing for this government. We are being neglected for many long years. We hope that the Freedom Alliance Government will seriously consider helping us.

We like to see development come here. We want more people to come here and live and the government to take steps to have more human settlements. We want good roads, water and electricity. Our children cannot study at home, attend to their school work without electricity. They also lack opportunity to gather new knowledge, not being to view TV channels due to lack of electricity. We have been presenting our case to the previous government. But nothing happened.

W. M. Dingiri Banda, Kadadekawatta, Walaswewa: This areas is called Nambadawalawatta with 100 acres of land. There were 45 families selected from 16 gramaseva division level. But many went away because the governments did not keep the promise when settling these families. I have been one of them. I remained with others and we showed our loyalty to all governments. This was done to get things done to better our living conditions. We got tube wells and no electricity was given to us though promised. Other areas close to ours got electricity.

Only a kilometre from the road. If the government takes steps to provide electricity, our people are ready to have electricity installed in their houses. Their lives will be upgraded. So, we hope the present government which has a soft corner for the rural masses will look into our needs.

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