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Sunday, 5 June 2005 |
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The war in Iraq and after by Ayesha Yusuf In the face of stiff opposition worldwide, George Bush and Tony Blair, vowed to go for the attack on Iraq and Saddam Hussain, accusing him of possessing weapons of mass destruction. With the deadline over, they went for the attack, expecting it to be a walk-over victory for the coalition. In the midst of sandstorms and gales, they, the coalition forces were hoping everything to be over soon. I wonder if they did find those weapons of mass destruction. But now their attention has turned to humanitarian aid for the Iraqis, in a waive of sympathy to supply them with food and water. How much sympathy did they have for the Iraqi people, when they went all out to attack these people with 500-pound and 1000-pound bombs and missiles that have killed so many, and sent so many innocent people to hospital. Even the world body for human rights, The United Nations, could not stop this war, though they, the allies, never got the veto for this. Who is fooling whom? Were the allies concerned about those weapons of mass destruction, or was their interest in the oil, that Iraq is rich with? If their interest is now diverted to humanitarian aid to the Iraqi people who they say are oppressed, what have they done these long years to alleviate the suffering of thousands dying of starvation and malnutrition in many third world countries, specially West Asia and Africa. We see specimens of emaciated and dehydrated human beings (via the media) suffering from malnutrition with no food and water. Who is responsible for this? The so-called humanitarian aid must first go to this most despised and suffering people. Humanitarian aid sounds very impressive, but how much weight does it carry, when they do not care for the disasters they perpetrate on innocent people, whom they pound with 1000-pound bombs and missiles, where innocent civilians, specially children are the victims; and how much feelings do these countries have for those suffering thus? George Bush with Tony Blair's assistance, are out for Iraqi oil, under the pretext of getting at those so-called chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction that Iraq is supposed to have. That was the lame excuse he gave for him to carry out his aggression on Iraq, that he had no right to attack. What right had they to step into another country, under any pretext? Except for the fact that George Bush thinks he is mighty and all-powerful. But might, can never be right, for there is one greater and more powerful than George Bush or any other on this earth. Has George Bush forgotten how the Twin Towers in New York were completely destroyed? What took years to build was brought down in a matter of minutes. Did he get to the bottom of that insurrection? We know he made a scapegoat of Osama Bin Laden, whom he accused of masterminding that attack, though he could not prove him guilty. There was worldwide opposition, including the United Nations, for his aggression, with no valid reason to attack Iraq. The plans of George Bush to overrun and capture Iraq on false pretexts is the stepping stone to overrun other nations after they finish with Iraq. The targeted Afghanistan in his witch-hunt (that he has not given up yet) of Osama Bin Laden, following the attack on the Twin Towers in New York. He has yet to prove that Osama Bin Laden is guilty of masterminding that attack. However, most the world over know who was behind this, and the part Israel played in this, as it is doing in Palestine with the supports of the US. Very soon we will see how George Bush and the US spread their tentacles over smaller nations, to grab what they can. The greed for oil has taken him to Iraq, as he did in Afghanistan. Does this not remind us of Hitler, who during World War II, went all out to take over smaller nations in Europe? History has it, where it all ended, and how Hitler met his doom on the beaches of Normandy at Dunkirk to be exact. If George Bush does not watch out, a similar fate awaits him. It was Mahatma Gandhi who said: "There is enough in this world for man's needs, but not enough for man's greed." So it is with George Bush who will go all out to ride over smaller and impoverished nations, to satiate his greed, and wrench power thus, with the belief that he is powerful and almighty. The Twin Towers that took seven years to build came down in a matter of minutes. That is how the power of the Almighty Creator of this world works, and is how his downfall can also be brought about. For might, can never be right. George Bush and his cohorts will pay for their greed and aggression, just as Hitler did. The world is watching and waiting to see where he is heading for, in spite of condemnation and opposition even from within the US. Their actions and killing according to them are acceptable, even with 1000-pound bombs, but when Iraqis kill in defence, it is called terrorism. Whom do they think they can deceive?
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