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Sunday, 9 October 2005 |
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Violence continues unabated despite EU travel ban Bull's Eye by a Special Defence Correpondent During the last five days since Sunday, there was an increasing trend of LTTE attacks in the North and East. There was also one in Colombo. Five persons were killed and 17 injured in about 17 attacks by Thursday. While constantly demanding from the Government to accept the LTTE as the sole representative of the Tamils and campaigning for it internationally, the LTTE has been executing people under its jungle law in and out of their stronghold. They have abused the CFA as it gives them free access to other areas in the North and East to launch their wanton attacks on civilians and security forces. The true face of the LTTE freedom struggle will get exposed if one analyses at least the few incidents that took place during the last week in the North and East where ordinary people were executed for not paying ransom, claiming ancestral lands and trying to eke out a living. On Monday morning, a 22-year old Karthikesu Senduran of Varani in Jaffna left his home for Vallipuram to transport some sand to repair his parental house before he pursues his studies at the University of Jaffna next year. As his parents were old and were without a permanent income, Senduran volunteered to repair the house himself because he too was unable to afford cost of the repair. The destiny of such courageous youth in Jaffna is a heartbreaking tale of woe. For not paying ransom to get a LTTE permit, the punishment is death. Senduran was hacked to death in Kudattanai on his way home. Senduran, who was born and brought up amidst reports of gunfire in Jaffna, could have had a dream as any other youth, to earn a degree, get a lucrative job and look after his old parents. His world full of hopes being built amidst chaos and penury collapsed in front of his feeble parents at the brutal hands of the LTTE. The SLMM and other NGOs operating in the name of peace in Jaffna should look into such incidents and try to mete out justice to people of Senduran's calibre who have been suffering in misery. Is this the way that the LTTE has pledged to protect the rights of the Tamils, is a worthy question to be asked by those who were deceived by the LTTE's freedom for the Tamils' struggle and who have sympathized with them. It is a pity that the so-called sympathizers are oblivious to the destiny of those such as Senduran. Another Tamil who fell victim to LTTE barbarism on the same day was a 31-year old jewellery businessman Ponnathurai Subendran in Chunnakam. Subendran had refused to pay ransom on previous occasions too and the LTTE's punishment this time was death. Their pistol group stormed Subendran Jewellery shop in the evening and shot him to death. Is this the way the LTTE fights for freedom on behalf of the Tamils in Jaffna? Who dare to justify the LTTE act of killing a person for not paying ransom is a worthy question to those who contribute towards the LTTE coffers in the Vanni. It is a basic right in a democratic society to have a different opinion, freedom to support any political party of one's liking but people in the LTTE held areas are deprived of such freedom and those who raise a single word in support of a party other than the LTTE, the punishment would be death. However, some people with firm policies dare to stand for a democratic cause even at the risk of death and 42-year old teacher of music Kitnan Parameshwaram was one such brave man who faced death in the name of Tamil rights last week. A firm supporter of the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP) led by Minister Douglas Devananda, Parameshwaram was the 25th EPDP supporter gunned down by Tamil Tigers. On Monday morning, the pistol group shot Parameshwaram while he was on his way from his wife's school in Jaffna. And what justice could the LTTE expect from the international community as long as they are responsible for such inhuman acts. Later on Thursday morning, they attempted to assassinate EPDP leader's private secretary planting a bomb in his car in Bambalapitiya. They reached the 26th EPDP target on Thursday shooting down 34-year old Kingsley Weeraratne in Trincomalee. 28-year old Mohammed Vahab was also put into death by the LTTE last week for claiming his family land in Kalmunai. He accompanied 32-year old Mohammed Sulaiman Lebbe Jayanoor to clear a land belonging to Vahab's brother to put up a building to house a business venture. On Wednesday, LTTE gunned down Vahab. His pillion rider Jayanoor was critically injured in the attack. The LTTE's charge attributed to the killing was that Vahab had demolished some remnant in a LTTE monument site that was abandoned 10 years ago. Assuming that the LTTE had lost interest in it as the site was unattended for a long period of time, Vahab had bulldozed the dilapidated foundation to prepare the land for a new construction. His innocent effort invited death. Such were the punishments to Muslims amidst the LTTE claim that they would look into the woes of the Muslims in the East. It is ridiculous to see certain pro-LTTE websites reporting LTTE killings as those done by unidentified gunmen. If one closely scrutinizes its reporting style, it has two categories of killers. The first category comprises unidentified gunmen and other the Karuna group. If the website dares to name the Karuna group and blame the security forces as well why does it fear to name the LTTE for the rest of the killings? Does it mean that the LTTE is so innocent? This proves the recent charge by TULF leader V.Anandasangaree that Colombo based Tamil media are biased towards the LTTE for fear or favour. However, the viewers are not so blind not to recognise identified gunmen as those of the LTTE. Certain NGOs who shed crocodile tears for tsunami affected fishermen in the LTTE held areas should now be held responsible for the LTTE using fast sea craft to transport weapons during the last few days. Navy personnel have detected that such boats donated to people are being used by the LTTE on secret missions especially to transport illegal weapons. At the same time, the LTTE attacks on security and police posts increased last week. Abduction and other violence were on the increase and this means that they do not heed the warning issued by the EU or other members of the international community. Anandasangaree well explained the LTTE fascism during a television interview last week. When the interviewer asked why majority Tamils do not rise against the LTTE if the organization violates the rights of the Tamils, Anandasangaree asked who would dare to do so sitting in the jaws of a tiger. If a poor woman out to fetch a pot of water is brutally killed for not following their orders, who on earth dares to challenge them? When the journalist asked who the enemies of Tamils were, TULF leader said outright that nobody except the LTTE. This stark truth should be conveyed to the international community by those who admire the LTTE struggle blindly. Adding to his explanation, not only Tamils but even Sinhalese are scared to criticise or talk a word against the LTTE today fearing their spies could squeal to the LTTE pistol group operating in Colombo. Lives of people such as Anandasangaree who criticize the LTTE openly are at risk as the LTTE has put them on the top of their hit list. The assassination of Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar is one good testimony for the international community to understand that the brutality of the LTTE has not changed yet. The arrest of three men roaming around the entrance to the residence of TULF leader on Monday evening is evidence that the LTTE position is unchanged,i.e., they continue elimination of those who stand in the way of their separate state dream. Former Parliamentarian and TULF leader Anandasangaree is one of the moderate Tamil leaders, compelled to live under constant Tamil Tiger death threats because of his open criticism of the LTTE violence, terrorism and atrocities. This story cannot be taken lightly as Anandasangaree explained. The ordinary people especially in LTTE held areas and other areas where the LTTE is operative are forced to live in destitution silently as their voice cannot be raised. What relief has the CFA earned for them? EU's travel ban and its warning to LTTE to enlist it as a terrorists group seemed to be unheard when the LTTE killing spree has been continuing. The number of killings of civilians and attacks on security forces and police last week well demonstrated the ordinary people's pathetic life in the hands of LTTE fascism. A home guard in Bakkiella Police station was abducted and his body found later on Thursday. A grenade was thrown at the residence of the Rehabilitation and Development Ministry Coordinating Officer in Valaichchenai on Tuesday. A hand grenade was hurled at a Police Post near Sri Lanka Transport Board depot in Batticoloa on Tuesday. LTTE shot a three-wheel driver in Welikanda on Tuesday; they abducted two prisoners in Muttur on Tuesday. A grenade attack was launched on soldiers at a roadblock near Mankerni on Monday. A police jeep was attacked at Vellaveli injuring two policemen on Monday. Troops at Nagarkovil were threatened with grenade attacks on Sunday and a Muslim businessman's shop was fired at in Muttur on Sunday. Retaliatoy attacks on the Karuna faction have also not ended. Tigers killed Candaiah Ponnarasa alias Kunam who reportedly defected from Karuna group on Sunday night while the victim was in his house in Kudapokuna, Polonnaruwa. Meanwhile, Naval troops in Mullaitvu on Monday observed another fleet of seven LTTE attack craft moving in the sea possibly carrying arms to secret locations. Four Tamil Tigers while sailing very close to the High Security Zone near Trincomalee harbour were arrested on Saturday and a Video camera, a small microphone, two mobile phones and several other items were in their possession. Apart from the LTTE's continuing child conscription, it is pathetic the way they abduct youth amidst the wailing of poor helpless parents in the North and East. The complaint of T.Rajaratnam of Central Camp in Ampara on the abduction
of his 20 years old son R.Danaraj on Thursday is the latest incident.
Security forces have informed all these incidents to the SLMM and people are
awaiting its response. |
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