Can specs give sight to blind elephants?
Light Refractions by Lucien Rajakarunanayake
"It looks as if veterinary surgeons will soon have to master
elephantine ophthalmology" said Samson Bulathsinghala.
"Why, is there any eye disease spreading among elephants?" asked
Wilmot Puvakdunkola.
"Well, if there is no eye disease why have the elephants suddenly
decided to wear spectacles when they go before the people?" asked
Wickrama Bulath-hurulla.
"It looks as if the old elephants have suddenly realized that they
are affected by the Hathalis Andiriya said Sajith Hamban-aliya from the
southern herd.
"What is this Hathalis Andiriya you are talking about?" queried
Sathosa Hora-aliya, from Kotte, who lost his fife in the recent local
"This is the problem. You no nothing about the people; Hathalis
Andiriya is the common description given by our people to the failure in
sight noticed around forty years of age.
That is when most people begin wearing spectacles. It now appears
that our old elephants have not known they were short of vision, at
least for the past ten years or more, having controlled the Colombo
Municipal Council for fifty years," said Navin Alipodda from the hills.
"When the elephants wear spectacles to seek the votes of the citizens
of Colombo, they admit all the criticism of their having been blind to
the problems of Colombo and its citizens all these years," said Wickrama
"I don't think the mere wearing of spectacles, even purchased at a
very high price from some calculating political optometrists, can solve
the vision problems of the old elephants," said Sajith Hamban-aliya.
"Had they been wearing spectacles when they filled in those
nominations papers for the CMC polls, which were rejected as being
invalid, they may have been able to spot the errors they had made, and
saved them having to go before the people with jumbo spectacles to save
them from blind folly" said Sanghadasa Parana-aliya, whose name had been
struck off that list.
"There are some whispers getting louder each day that these spectacle
vendors had already come to a very profitable deal to have a name
tippexed off the nomination form, and insert the name of an underage
person, to ensure that the jumbo list will be rejected, so that their
list will be purchased.
The lowdown on it is that the Milinda Alivalige and Marzook
Alimarakkala, was the duo involved in this deal," said Navin Alipodda.
"But the question is whether Sirisena Alikureya and his team of blind
players can pull the wool over the eyes of Colombo voters, to believe
they can now see the problems of Colombo, by looking though borrowed or
leased spectacles," said Samson Bulathsinhala.
"I don't think the voters will buy into the idea that the same
spectacles can give proper vision to those who have had major vision
problems for a very long time," said Dr. Darshana Eskannadi, an
ophthalmologist of repute, who had tried hard for many years to give the
blind elephants at the Town Hall, the proper lens prescriptions for
their vision problems.
"Sirisena Alikureya and his team of blind vote grabbers have put
themselves into the position of those poor people, who go to mobile
eye-clinics conducted by calculating opticians, to get a free pair of
spectacles, without even a proper vision test done.
They are satisfied if they can see a wee bit better than before, and
notice the vision drop within a month after they begin wearing those
lenses," observed Dakum Chandaratna who came from a family that marked
their ballot for the elephant every poll. "I don't think we can be
fooled by this type of political corruption, even before they get
control of Town Hall," he added.
"Bad enough they could not fill the nomination form correct, they are
causing huge problems for even the traditional jumbo voters, with a
whole puzzle of names and numbers, which is not sorted out by the
candidates wearing spectacles in election advertisements," said Akmon
Kuruvita, an old time jumbo who believed there will more bargaining, and
huge bribery if the blind elephants of today get even a foothold at Town
Hall, with their spectacles on.
"Don't forget that what they wear today are "Chandakannadi", which
they will shed and return to their blindness.
"Why think of all that," said Sajith Hamban-aliya. "They are proving
to the voters of Colombo, that they have all the time been so blind as
not to see the pile up of garbage in the city".
"They are also admitting blindness about all the corruption going on
inside Town Hall, for the past so many decades, and expect the voters to
think they will see or do better just because they have borrowed some
spectacle frames for political gain. It is just their blindness to
reality, that has been affecting the party of the elephant in the past
so many elections," said Navin Alipodda.
"This is not just a case of elephantine myopia, which can be
corrected by wearing spectacles, whether borrowed or purchased at high
cost," said Dr. Akshi Gajawansa, a veterinarian who specialized in
treating eye diseases in elephants. "In many who are trying out these
new spectacles, it is a case of cataract in both eyes, that are long
past maturity that even lens implants may not help. In others they have
simply lost all vision due to elephantine glaucoma.
No spectacles can restore vision in them. This is definitely a case
of the blind trying to lead those who have good vision in both eyes."