Construction on CKE commences this month
by Anura Maitipe
The construction of Colombo Katunayake Expressway (CKE) at a cost of
USD 292.4 million will commence on May 20 with financial assistance from
the Chinese Government, Road Development Authority Sources told the
"Sunday Observer".
The new highway will consist of two ways. Each way will have three
tracks. With the completion of the CKE passengers will be able to travel
within 15 minutes from Katunayake to Colombo. The traffic congestion in
Colombo Nigambo road will be greatly reduced, he added.
This project was earlier awarded to Keangnam Consortium on a turn key
basis (design and build) in 2002. While 35 percent of construction work
was in progress the previous UNF government suspended this project.
As a result of discontinuation of this project by the UNF government
the state coffer has suffered a loss of Rs. 360 million.
The construction of the proposed Colombo Kandy highway will also
commence shortly. The feasibility study of this project has already been
done and the Malaysian government has agreed to finance.