TALKING POINT : Live and let die!
They go berserk for values they do not posses, but this took the
cake. With a hosanna for 'press freedom' a leading rag in boorishness,
said the Editor of a sister newspaper has security at his disposal.
So what? We know of proprietor-kept mediamen who have security in
droves, and that includes some of the Editors of publications such as
the one referred to above. Their idea of a free press is, arm yourself
to the teeth, but disclose the security concerns of the other guy, so
that his security can be effortlessly penetrated. Live, and let die. Can
anything get more ghoulish that this free media that's totally free to
do one thing - destroy the lives of others?
Now, he'll probably be sending short messages to la bala in London,
as he normally does. These guys need security to surround them also we
are sure - to protect sundry others around, from them.