


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

ALLES - DAMIAN Ex. St. Aloysious College, Galle. (Ex. Snr. Welfare Officer, Prisons Dept). Ex. LLO. Royal Oman Police. Beloved husband of Florence (Ex. Staff, Good Shepherd Convent, Kandy), son of late Joseph and Josephine Alles, beloved brother of  late Tony Alles and Elmo Alles. Funeral will be on 28th May 2006. 154, Peradeniya Road, Kandy. T/P 081-2202091. 

AMARATUNGA - CLARICE - (nee WIJESINHE) Dearly beloved wife of late Captain Vernon Amaratunga (ex-Sri Lanka Navy), precious mother of Sandra (UK), Chithrangani (Sri Lanka Embassy, France), Gerard (Imperial Aluminium Fabricators), Johann (Rank Electronics) and Pushpakumar (U.S.A.), beloved mother-in-law of Duleep Wagiswara, Roshini and Geethika, darling grandmother of Shehan, Kavita and Rehan, expired. Cortege leaves 29A, Wickramasinghepura, I.T.N. Road, Battaramulla at 3.15 pm on Sunday 28th May for Service at St. Mary's Church Bambalapitiya. Thereafter burial at General Cemetery Kanatte (R.C. Section). 

BAINES - WILLIAM ROBERT (SONNIE) passed away in Australia on 16th April 2006. Beloved husband of Doris, loved father of Alan (dec'd), Trevor, Kenneth, Ron, father-in-law of Marcia, Marguerite, Jacinth, loved brother of Amanda (dec'd) Maud Winnie (dec'd), Alice (dec'd), Margie, Isobel, Sam  Shila, Alex, Julian. 30/15N. Pelawatta, Battaramulla.  

DALTON - THOMAS FRANK  of Sydney, Australia. Born 31.3.1912, died 17.5.2006. Beloved husband of Christobel nee van Heer, much loved father and father-in-law of Marlene & Frederick Holmes (dec), Ron, Loretta &  Rienzie Christoffelsz, Jennifer Muntsinger, Derrick & Dalrene and Ray, beloved grandpa of Tamara, Warren, Sabrina, Tristan, Steffan, Warren, Domani, Rosie and Darren, cherished brother-in-law of Angela & Ellis van Dort (dec), Louie (dec) & Joyce, Neil (dec) & Audrey, George (dec), Tony (dec) & Benita, Stephanie & Christie Wilson, Kenneth & Sylvia. Funeral Service at Christ the King Church, Bass Hill on 27th May 2006 at 9.30 a.m. followed by the burial service at Rookwood Cemetery. 

GOONEWARDENA - PERAL Daughter of late Mr and Mrs Gabriel Perera of Tennakubura, wife of late Dr Benjamin, beloved mother of Prasanna (Nisol), sister of Reggie Rex Peter (Australia), Chinthi Geethi Nelum, sister-in-law of late Frances late Basil Paul and Concy, expired. Cortege leaves residence No.263/1A, Chilaw Road, Kattuwa, Negombo to St Anthony's Church, Dalupotha on Sunday 28th May 2006. Burial at RC Cemetery Kurana (Air Force Road). 

GUNAWARDENE - SHELTON (formerly of Ceylon Petroleum Corporation). Beloved husband of late Ranee, father of Dilip (Lake House Book Shop), Ingrid, Vivian, and Ravi (formerly of CTC), father-in-law of Ajitha (Browns) and Lara (Alethea International), brother of late Patrick, Lloyd, Kingsley and of Leonard and Yvonne Malgahagamage, brother-in-law of Delma, Ione  and Lou, loving grand father of Nigel, Ashan, Alishya, Adrian and Tehani, expired. Cortege leaves residence No.24, 1st Lane, Nedimala, Dehiwala for cremation at General Cemetery Borella on Sunday 28th May at 11.00 a.m. 

KARUNARATNE - IRWIN  Son of late E.T.P. Karunaratne (Manorama Mudalali of Ambalangoda), dearly beloved husband of Mallika, loving father of Joanne and Sussie, brother of late Windsor, Ala, Sriya, Serpine, late Asoka, Indra and Godwin, brother-in-law of Gunapala and Leela, expired in the UK. Funeral will take place at the Croydon Crematorium, Thornton Road, Croydon, Surrey on May 31 at 10.45 a.m. No. 2, Wentworth Road, West Croydon, Surrey CRO3HT. Tel. 0044 208 6831845. 

MRS JEYALUXMI VELMURUGU Dearly beloved wife of Velmurugu (Formerly of Agriculture Department), beloved mother of Dr Parvathi (U.S.A.) and Senthuran, sister of Mrs Jegatheeswari Rajasunderam and Jeyasunderam, sister-in-law of Rajasunderam (Retd Asst Supdt of Police), Rajeswari, late Mrs Thambipillai, late Velupillai, Mrs Muthulingasamy and Jeyaratnam, expired on 21.05.2006 in Philadelphia, U.S.A. Funeral took place on 24.05.2006 (Wednesday) in Philadelphia, U.S.A. Informant: Dr Parvathi Thiru M.D. (daughter), Apt. 904 South 2200 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy Philadelphia PA19130 U.S.A. T.P. 2156650728. 

MRS KAMALADEVI DURAIRAJAH - KAMALA Beloved wife of Durairajah (Australia), ever loving daughter of late Mr & Mrs Kanagasabai, daughter-in-law of late Mr Thambirajah & Mrs Thambirajah, loving mother of Jegan (Sydney), Janagan (Tasmania), expired on 25th May 2006. Cortege leaves from Graham Family Funerals Pty Ltd, 73 Risdon Road, New Town 7008, Tasmania, Australia on 29th May 2006 at 1 pm. Informant - Mrs Janaki Satkunanathan (sister), Talagolla Estate, Meedeniya, Hettimulla, Kegalle Tel- 035 2223605. Residence:- Mr T. Durairajah (husband), 13, Davinees Road, West Moonah, Tasmania 7009, Australia. Tel. 0061 362 731682 

MURTI - SAROJINI T, Relict of A.T. Murti, mother of Yoga and Theyagu, mother-in-law of Meena & the late Rudra, grandmother of Shivantha and Gayathri, passed away peacefully. Cortege leaves A.F. Raymond's Funeral Parlour at 9.30 a.m. on Sunday 28th. Cremation at General Cemetery Borella at 10.00 a.m. No. 12 - 3/3, Melbourne Avenue, Colombo 4.  

PARANAHETTY - EDWARD HERMAN RAVINDRA  Beloved husband of Lorna (Senior Supervisor, Philippines National Bank, UK), brother of late Doreen Tillekeratne, Jerry Paranahetty (Retired Solicitor and Director of HIH Housing Association Ltd., UK), Elizabeth Dias Wanigasekera, Dagma Abeyagoonasekera and Bernard Paranahetty (Bunny), brother-in-law of Asela Abeyagoonasekera, sister-in-law of late Monica, brother-in-law of late Milward and Asoka, uncle of Damayanthi and Alex Siriwardane (Winter World Pvt. Ltd), Marie and Romesh Witanachchi (Confifi Hotel Suppliers Ltd.), Anthony and Christine Paranahetty (Reuters London), Ashanthi and Eardley Balachandran (Photoflex Camera Service), granduncle of Rosemarie, Angela, Amanda and Jayson, died in London on 20th May 2006. The remains will lie at No. 12, Bangalawatte Terrace, Mabole, Wattala from 28th May. Cortege will leave residence at 4.00 p.m. for Madampitiya Burial Ground on 29th May. Tel. 2936502. 

PERERA - SARATH Retired Principal (Janadipathi Vidyalaya - Homagama). Beloved husband of Soma (Retired Teacher, Junior School, Homagama), loving father of Upul (TV Trade), Janaki, Varuni (Staff, Akaravita Maha Vidyalaya), Nilmini (Library, Colombo University), father-in-law of Ajith Waidyalankara (A to Z Electronics Bambalapitiya) and Sakuntala, expired. Cremation Sunday 28th May at Homagama Cemetery at 5 pm. 5/16, 1st Lane, Homagama. 

UDAWATTAGE - D.H. Beloved husband of late Rupa (nee Perera), loving father of Shiela, Erica (UK), Carmen (New Zealand) and Sumedha, father-in-law of Upali Abeywickrema, Sarath Kooragamage and Anura Wickramasinghe, precious grandfather of Harindra, Harshi, Ruvinda and Damith, expired. Cortege leaves residence at 4.00 p.m. on Sunday the 28th of May for Cremation at the General Cemetery, Borella at 5.00 p.m. No. 25/20, Jayapura Mawatha, Beddegana, Pitakotte.

GOONEWARDENA - PEARL daughter of late Mr & Mrs Gabrile Perera of Tennakumbura, wife of late Dr Bejamin, beloved mother of Prasanna (NISOL), sister of Reggie, Rex Peter (Australia), Chinthi, Geethi, Nelum, sister-in-law of late Francis, late Basil, Paul, Concy, Rose, Kumuduni, Preethi (Australia), Christy, Justin, Margi, Marina, expired. Cortege leaves residence No. 263/1A, Chilaw Rd, Kattuwa, Negombo for Anthony's Church, Dalupotha on Sunday 28th May 2006. Burial at R.C. Cemetery, Kurana (Air Force).  

PERERA - MRS M.C. former Teacher at Ananda College, Colombo 10. Beloved wife of late Mr K.E.A. Perera (Senior Engineer, Post and Telecommunication Dept.), loving mother of Kumari, Ravi and Mahesh, mother-in-law of Dr Ananda Hettiarachchi, Dr Sujatha Perera and Thamali Perera, darling grandmother of Shanuki, Irasha, Rihan, Nayomi, Nipuni and Dinuka. Funeral will be held at General Cemetery, Borella, Monday 29th May at 5.00 p.m. Cortege leaves No. 331/3, Nawala Road, Nawala at 4.00 p.m.

PERERA - SUNIL At rest with Jesus. Husband of Kanthi, beloved father of Suren and Sharon, Venusha and Ramon, loving grandfather of Ariel, son of late Berty and late Doreen, son-in-law of late Harry and late Millie, brother of Brindley and Sureni, Everie and Leoni, Ranjini and late Basil, Sharma and Ranjith, brother-in-law of late Mahiman, late Rohan and Indra, Yasendra and Shirani, late Sarath and Nirmanie, Lalitha and late Sumanapala, Amitha and Ivan, Geetha and Shirley, Manju and Thejani, Bandula and Shiranthi. Cortege leaves residence 37/1B, Gangarama Road, (beyond Borupana Road Bridge), Werahera, Boralesgamuwa at 3.30 p.m. for Service and burial at 4.00 p.m. Holy Emmanuel Church, Moratuwa on Monday 29th May.


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