Starring Cooray and Imtiyaz:
'Me Kawda? Mokada Karanne? a UNP movie
Sunday Observations: The Political Column
The newly elected Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) has turned out to
be a comedy while the citizens of this capital look upon the UNP as a
set of 'jokers' playing hide and seek.
The so-called 'director' and 'producer' of this comedy is reported to
be a parliamentarian of the UNP in the city of Colombo. The Independent
Group(3) which won the election has been held hostage by a few in the
At times, the group leader, Suppiah Rajendran is kidnapped or
abducted. This man appears and disappears. Now, it's the new Mayor,
Uvais Imtiyaz, a three-wheel driver by profession. Since he was sworn in
before the UNP's unfortunate Mayoral candidate, Sirisena Cooray, Imtiyaz
is reported missing from home and his office.
If Sirisena Cooray well remembers the election slogan of his
political mentor, Ranasinghe Premadasa, which he repeated at the CMC
polls campaign, Cooray must ask himself, "Me Kawda, Mokada Karanne"?
(Who is he?What is he doing?) Yes...the citizens of Colombo have elected
an independent group to run the administration of their city for the
first time. Well, fortune fell on the lap of a three-wheel driver to be
the Mayor.
He is Imtiyaz. Cooray was unfortunate as his grave was dug by the
very people who re-introduced him into active politics. That was why the
UNP nomination list was rejected. Cooray cannot blame anyone other than
his sponsors who backed his political re-entry.
Imtiyaz, the new Mayor has started to play the role of his leader
Rajendran. He was missing after he took his oaths. Then he surfaced at
the Sulaiman Hospital. Who admitted him to that hospital? His parents
are yet not able to locate him. Who paid his bill? Where did he go from
there? These are vital questions posed at the UNP.
Fingers are pointed at one of Cooray's political sponsors as being
behind the 'operation' of Imtiyaz. When, this political sponsor, a well
'cemented' man in the city, urged Imtiyaz to enter the private hospital,
did not Imtiyaz cry out and appeal to leave him alone in the name of
Allah? Didn't he say that he wanted to resign, return home and get back
to his three-wheeler? Didn't he plead that he wanted to be with his sick
While this political 'sponsor' of Cooray was playing ball with
Imtiyaz, the new Mayor, over 1,000 houses at Nawagampura in Colombo went
ablaze due to a mishap in one of the shanties.
The new CMC has not met yet. Why? Because of this 'ball' playing game
by the political sponsor of Cooray. Can the city go on like this?
Garbage appears to pile up day by day. The citizens now ask what the
government is going to do.
Should the citizens wait till the Independent Group play the game to
an end with the UNP? How long will it take? Will all of them resign?
Some have said they will not. The opposition UPFA is ready to enter the
CMC administration.
Opposition leader, Vasudeva Nanayakkara has been frantically
searching for the newly sworn in Mayor. He has visited the residence of
Imtiyaz twice but the Mayor was missing. He then paid a visit to the
Sulaiman Hospital to see the 'sick' Mayor. Again the Mayor went missing.
Cooray thinks that he and his band of men could fill the vacancies in
case the Independent members resign. The fact remains that the
Independent Group too is in two factions. Ten of them have refused to
Even if others resign, the Local Government Ordinance (as amended) do
not provide any provision for members from other political parties to
fill vacancies. Those next in the list then would enter the CMC. In case
the entire list is exhausted due to resignations, the minister will be
empowered on follow up action.
If the situation is not conducive for a fresh poll, the Executive
President as Head of the Government under powers vested in him by the
constitution shall decide on the appointment of a Special Commissioner
to run the CMC administration once the council stands dissolved.
The 'dirty' politics played by Cooray's political sponsor in the city
has put the people in difficulty. This man, party stalwarts say was
responsible for this ugly episode from the time the nomination was 'tippexed'
by his aides to delete, T. M. Sanghadasa's name.
They say that now he is getting the new Mayor to play 'hide and
seek'. They say that Cooray was re-introduced to politics by this man
not for the love he had for Cooray. But, to prevent his rival, Azath
Sally from becoming Mayor. After the demise of Premadasa, this man had
even battled with Cooray to 'cement' his position in the city.
Therefore, party stalwarts say that if Cooray cannot recall those
ugly days with this man, surely Cooray must be in senile decay and
should not try to be the next Mayor. The new Mayor seems to be caught
between the devil and the deep blue sea. Those who are holding him are
not freeing him to go back home though he appeals in the name of Allah
according to his religious belief. He is deprived of being with his
He was dragged into the independent nomination list while he was on
his three-wheelear. If he is held against his wish, those responsible
are committing an offence.
Then the relevant authorities should move into action. The UNPers too
have a question. They want to know why Ranil Wickremesinghe is
tolerating such nonsense. Who runs the UNP is their supplementary