No child soldiers at this birthday bash
Light Refractions by Lucien Rajakarunanayake
"This Australian MP has got it all wrong", said Nadesan Pulidasan,
after his daily hour of prostrate worship at the feet of the Sun God in
the Vanni.
"Who is this Australian, and what has he got wrong?", asked Sivaraja
Vannichelvan, from the Political Wing of the Tigers.
"One Don Randall, who has got everything wrong about the birthday of
our Sun God's daughter celebrated in London, UK."
"What's he got wrong? May be these media guys opposed to our
Liberation Struggle planted some wrong information," said Vannichelvan.
"He says our divine daughter, Duwaraka's 20th birthday party in
London is a 'rather unusual and bizarre birthday bash' said Pulidasan.
"The man is trying to link the British ban on the Liberation Tigers with
this very important birthday".
"Why don't we get our friends in Australia to send him a little
message, to help him see reality?", asked Sounder Pulihalikkural, who
had close links with the "Voice of Tigers".
"What kind of message are you thinking of?" asked Pulidasan,
"There is no need for a claymore, but a small letter bomb, to blow up
in his face without doing much damage, can silence him and other such
critics, too" said Vellai Karumpulihal, who had trained with the Black
"Illai puli, we can't do that in Australia any more. Most of our
friends there are keeping a low profile. Such a move will only make
Australia proscribe us there, which is what this Don Randall wants
done," said Vannichelvan.
'Why do we have to bother about what some crazy Australian MP has to
say, when the British are very happy to let the precious daughter our
Sun God have a memorable 20th birthday party in London? The bash must be
extravagant enough to show Duwaraka's divine lineage.
Surely a daughter of a god can't have a dull and ordinary birthday
party," said Kappal Kadathpulihal, just back from a Sea Tiger watch.
In Colombo, leaders of the National Peace Front, the umbrella
organisation of those who want peace at any cost and preferably on
Prabhakaran's terms, discussed the Birthday of the Year.
Acharya Gihan Saamasellama proposed they should send a message of
greetings to Duwaraka, as it was her 20th birthday, being celebrated
away from her father, in distant London. "Such a message of greetings
can go a long way as a confidence building measure", he said.
"But don't you think we have to face enough allegations already of
being too soft on the Tigers, that such a message will make this even
worse?" asked a sceptical Jeevan Saamawardhana.
"We understand your concerns, but what difference can it make?" asked
Acharya Saamasellama. "We must look at the larger picture.
"There will be reports of it in the media, picked up by wire-services
and websites. This is the stuff that will impress our funding friends
abroad, to write a blank cheque for next year's peace programme too," he
It was soon decided to send Miss Prabhakaran Duwaraka, a large
bouquet specially flown by Interflora with a message of greetings from
the National Peace Front.
At a UNICEF organised meeting to discuss the situation of children in
the North and East, the big birthday in London came up for discussion.
Mayuri Lamaalapati raised the question of Prabhakaran's daughter
celebrating her birthday in such grand style in London, when there were
so many child soldiers here, not even allowed to visit their parents for
any special occasion.
A foreign UNICEF official said it was indeed a shocking situation,
but there was nothing anyone can do about it as Miss Duwaraka was 20
years old, and not a child anymore. It went beyond the UNICEF mandate to
make this an issue, she said.
"But can't we can make some protest at the daughter of a man who
forcibly recruits children to carry arms for him, being free to study in
London, and also have such an opulent birthday bash in a country where
the LTTE is banned?" asked Mayuri.
"That's up to the British Government. When it allows Balasingham to
speak in public on the LTTE's Heroes Day, while the LTTE is named a
terrorist organisation, do you think Tony Blair will take any action
about this birthday bash? Blair sees terrorists only in Iraq,
Afghanistan and Muslims in the UK," said a British volunteer worker.
"Come to think of it, Cherie Blair may well say she can understand
what motivates Prabhakaran to recruit children to carry arms, and also
why his daughter should have a great do for her 20th birthday, in a
foreign land" said Mayuri Lamaalapati.
The discussions about Duwakara's birthday were still on in the Vanni.
Eelanathan aka Carlos asked whether the delegation from Vanneelam for
the party in London included any child soldiers. "We must not forget the
huge service they do to our Sun God.
" I am sure the divine daughter will be delighted to have some
arms-carrying children she can show her foreign guests, who have never
seen a child soldier. Don't forget she liked to play with some of them
when she was here" he said.
"Aiyaiyo! What nonsense are you talking about? How can we send any
child soldiers there, when they are so badly needed for action here?
Also, won't we be forcing the British to get really tough with us, much
against their wishes, if we do that?" asked Pulidasan.
"So, what you say is that the Sun God's daughter has a party in
London and no Pulikutty should be seen anywhere there?" asked Eelanathan.
"Exactly, the Pulikutty should only carry arms for the Sun God here,
that's all. No birthday parties for them. Why don't we start planning
from now on how our divine daughter will celebrate her 21st birthday? Do
you think we can have a bash at Buckingham Palace, or even at No. 10,
Downing Street?" asked Vannichelvan.