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Dji - top model with electrifying looks during her visit to Sri Lanka says...:

'Sri Lanka will be recommended to the people of Europe'

Black Beauty and Queen of the Catwalks of Models, around the globe, Dji Dieng, and towering she-woman was in Sri Lanka, recently, to promote the Indian Ocean island's tourism. And, she has just returned to Paris, following a two-week visit to Sri Lanka, it is learned.

Three-and-a-half-years into modelling, Dji is the top model all over the world, and her extraordinary presence, her aura and electrifying looks gives all creations and products she represents, the best spotlight, her manager, Rene R Butschi said in Colombo. And, considering that Dji came to Sri Lanka on a goodwill visit, to promote tourism - that France is her home, and the French market for Sri Lanka tourism has been manifold for years; Dji's presence is momentous.

"She will prove, Sri Lanka in the way, she feels in her heart," Butschi said. And, that means much. "I will recommend Sri Lanka, whole-heatedly to the people of Europe," she said. Dji, marked her footprints in Habarana, Sigiriya, Dambulla, Polonnaruwa, Matale, Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, Yala and Galle and took time to call at the Nuwara Eliya golf course. At the Rock Temple in Dambulla, Dji, was carried away by the serenity of the Buddha statues; she considers having her Buddhist shrine at home, and being a Buddhist. "You have changed my life," she quipped.

But, quizzed by the media, Dji, admitted she is a Muslim, and requested for her newly acquired admiration for Buddhism, to be played down.

Dji and photogenie are synonymous; direct a camera at her, and her modelling begins, until the film tape of the photographers present, were exhausted. Dji was picked up in the streets of Paris, and called for an interview, but, reluctantly, came over with her parents.

Now, described by fashion specialists as one of the most beautiful black models in the world, Dji Dieng, was born in Thies, Senegal and "past her childhood party in Dakar as well as in Paris", where she now lives. She has dwelt in the space and time of Italy and the USA and speaks five languages, including Italian, Dji said, while counting an office in Milano, Spain.

Involved in many accomplishments, apart from being on catwalks from Paris to London, Vienna and Copenhagen, she is also a queen of the commercial world. She has been chosen as ambassadress for Coca-Cola Light, FIAT-Alpha Romeo, J&B Whisky, Vivienne Westwood, among many more, such.

Global trend

Speaking of global trend and vogue, fashion experts count her as a smasher. Rhythm and Africa are interwoven and as old as life in Africa. Rhythm 'N blues and rhythm and success is in the African gait of walk, lifestyle, the pulse of the drums and song.

It is this very same rhythm, running in black chemistry, that has produced excellent black athletes, all over the world. And this same black traits of rhythm and beauty, run in the hormones of Dji's elegance, comeliness, grace, grandeur, polish, refinement, even her very eyes, are shattering. So, she has been featured in Palmers of Catwalks, editorials and cover pages in France, Australia, Italy, Germany, Austria, Spain, UK, South Africa and now, in a small way in Sri Lanka.

Dji's photographs have been diffused and sent around the world by agencies as, Keystone, AP, ATA, Reuters and many more, Butschi said.

During her stay, Dji, said she met with UNESCO secretary general, Preethy Perera and discussed the progress of such projects within the island. The projects, have resulted in the development of tourism and thus, employment generation. Besides, poverty alleviation, is one of her concerns, wherever she goes.

Dji, is also known as a lover of children, and combined her stay here, visiting humanitarian projects, relating to the growing-up. Dji, visited the less privileged children, and called at the children's home in Nanathota, Kosgama. So, chairman, SLTB, Udaya Nanayakkara, hoped that making use of her internationally renowned personality, Dji, could help assist the less privileged children in Sri Lanka, even more.

Hard workout

It is not easy being a top fashion model, Dji explained. Her physical training in the gym, assisted by a trainer, begins at 9am and continues to an hour before noon. She has also to practice relaxing, during the day.

Food? Remarkably, she eats everything, not much of chocolates and cheese. And, not much spicy food, certainly, no cardamoms.

Butschi, her manager told Ministry of tourism, Anura Bandaranaike, that peace has to come Sri Lanka's way. Butschi thought aloud that trouble in any part of the world is a phase. Looking in the eyes of the people in Sri Lanka, he did not see war. It is the intention of a few people.

A few people cannot hold a nation to ransom. And, Dji and her manager, Butschi, were very vociferous that they will do everything they can, to promote Sri Lanka, her natural beauty, friendliness and charm of her people, to the all parts of the world outside, where they will visit.



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