Politics Unpacked
Scrape scrape
You get sycophants all over, and there is no sycophant like a state
sycophant sometimes.
A lot of the time, the President is not worried, but these sycophants
get heart seizures over things that are supposed to be worrying the
How pathetic can you get?

Catty indeed
One newspaper goes into apoplexy over a certain religious dignitary
being given the sobriquet that has something to do with a ferocious
jungle feline.
As far as nicknames go -- what's there in to go into such an apoplexy
about? The same newspaper called the politician who bestowed this
nickname on the man of the cloth a liz. As far as animal allusions go,
there are many, put to many different uses, what?
Watch your back, Mr. Prez
Why did Ranil meet President Bush at the White House, and the
President meet Bush at a round table, asked somebody in known political
Myee, somebody else said. But you should have heard what Prez Bush
told Prez Mahinda about Ranil in that photograph that is doing the
rounds. President Bush whispered in Mahinda's ear:
"Ranil thinks only he has access to me. Don't you believe a word of
it. And watch your back. He might try to do what Chandrika did to him
when he was with me."
Guess who has been calling himself a lawyer.
A wire service reports quotes a familiar NGO wallah castigating
everything Sri Lankan including the leadership.
Nothing new here, given his regularly biased record. But the man is
no lawyer. A lawyer wouldn't have bungled his brief that much anyway.
We do not trust Tamilchelvam said somebody from a high place. This
was in reference to the fact that Prabhakaran alone should do the
talking or agree to do the talking.
So they trust Prabhakaran then? That's a new one on a lot of us...

Manmohan Singh refused to meet the TNA delegation? Being a Sikh, he
knows - - they say -- about failed and failing rebellions.....