Graffiti on walls ...: An ego boost or embarrassment?
Generally, the amount of graffiti on the walls of
a girls' school is in direct proportion to its current popularity
rating among the boys. (The convent ladies' walls usually fight for
this honour each occasion.)
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Sri Lankan martial arts - the Cheena di boys and girls
There are 2 styles of martial arts native to Sri
Lanka, these are Cheena di and Angampora. Cheena di was taught by
Chinese monks to locals when they made pilgrimages to see Buddha's
footprint and tooth. Relics that are still on display in Sri Lanka.
This is the more popular style of the two.
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Came with two eyes purchased in Sri Lanka: Singaporean doctor
learned from prostitutes, and met a Lankan
Prof Lim studied medicine at the University of
Malaya in Singapore. When he graduated at 22, the Government sent
him to London for the Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
course. As the years rolled by, the young doctor went on to become
an internationally-acclaimed eye surgeon.
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