Central Bank on SIU operations
The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) of the Central Bank was set up
in 2005 to deal with investigations on unauthorised deposit soliciting
institutions and pyramid and multi-level marketing operations that were
spreading in the country.
Three Investigating Officers were released by the Police Department
at the time of setting up this unit to facilitate these investigations.
After a year of operations, the IGP has requested that these officers be
released so as to revert them to their substantive duties in the Police
Department in view of urgent national needs, said a release from the
Central Bank.
Consequently, the ongoing and pending operations of the SIU have been
handed over to the respective departments in the Central Bank. Such
departments will continue to handle these operations with the assistance
of Police investigation units, whenever found necessary.
Accordingly, the administrative restructuring arising out of the
release of the Police officers would in no way jeopardise any ongoing
investigation, nor would it dilute the commitment of the Central Bank in
its efforts to effectively deal with unauthorised deposit soliciting or
multi-level marketing and pyramid operations.
Hence, any suggestion or claim that ongoing investigations have been
discontinued and that any illegal activity would be left unchecked is
According to industry analysts the SIU would be dissolved and this
would help unauthorised deposit soliciting institutions, pyramid and
multi level marketing operations spread their wings throughout the