Crysbro invests in Cryovac packaging
Crysbro, Sri Lanka's leading poultry processor, launched their new
packing concept, Cryovac Packaging at a ceremony in Colombo. Crysbro has
extended their product value by tying up with world renowned Cryovac
Packaging to achieve enhanced consumer appeal.
Cryovac packaging will reinforce Crysbro as the leader in the poultry
market. This style of packaging assists in improving food hygiene,
processing and manufacturing efficiencies as well as better consumer
Cryovac shrink bags are made of special permeable material
formulation and are designed specially for fresh poultry to avoid
hydrogen sulphide accumulation which would result in off odour. These
shrink wrap vacuum packages offer minimal free moisture and is leak
proof which in turn maintains weight loss thereby giving the consumer
more value for money.
Crysbro is also the only company and the first in Sri Lanka to offer
chicken packed in four different sizes and price marked according to
size and weight.
Since 1972, Crysbro has been raising chickens in a lush upcountry
environment under the strictest guidelines. Crysbro is the only poultry
processor in Sri Lanka to receive ISO 14001- environmentally safe and
BRC (British Consortium Certification) certification. In addition,
Crysbro has also been awarded ISO 9001, HACCP- ISO 22000 and two
certifications for Halal.
"We have complex requirements and very demanding conditions, and
therefore, we are proud of our accomplishment and these awards," said
Mohamed Imtiaz, Chairman of Crysbro. "Our Halal certifications are
especially important as our consumers are our main focus for attention
and consideration."